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Bece Past Questions and Answers

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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2012 (English)


Objective Test
45 minutes



From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence

1. Two people perished …………….the spot.
A. upon
B. in
C. on
D. through

2. Oyo fell ill ……………..measles
A. at B. by C. of
D. with

3. The doctor gave ……………………to the patient
A. some good advice B. much good advices C. many good advice D. some good advices

4. All girls were supposed to wear …………………during the Speech Day.
A. new, white, long dresses B. new, long, white dresses C. long, white, new dresses D. white, new long dresses

5. „I think you know ………………already‟, said the host to all the participants.
A. one another B. each other C. themselves D. ourselves

6. The girls asserted that both tennis racquets were
A. of Akologos
B. Akologo‟s
C. Akologo‟s own
D. Akologo

7. Children usually take ……………their parents in appearance
A. after B. from C. to
D. up

8. We haven‟t had …………….rice to eat this week.
A. some B. little C. any D. many

9. The chief praised the ………………during the students demonstration.
A. policemen‟s behaviours B. policemen behaviours C. policemen‟s behaviour D. policemens‟ behaviour

10. When the lights went off I …………my supper
A. have eaten
B. have been eating
C. am eating
D. was eating

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