BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2001 (RME)
45 Minutes
1. The first Ark to save God‟s people from the flood was built by
A. David B. Abraham C. Noah D. Solomon E. Moses
2. Jesus Christbegan his ministryat the ageof
A. 12 B. 25 C. 30 D. 33 E. 45
3. A Muslim is a person who
A. is at peacewith God andhis neighbour
B. can recitethe wholeQuran C. fastsduringtheRamadan D. visits Mecca every year
E. comes from Arabia
4. From the ageof eight,Muhammad was broughtup by
A. Halimah
B. Abdul Mutalib
C. Khadijah
D. Abu Talib
E. Abdullah Amina
5. TheMuslimfestival of sacrificeis
A. Eid-ul-Fitr B. Bilabi Nabi C. Ramadan
D. Eid-ul-Khalimat
E. Eid-ul-Adhar
6. Oneof the characteristics of theAfrican Traditional Religion is that it
A. originatesfrom theFar East
B. regardsGod and Jesus atthe centreof worship
C. was establishedbyapowerful African King D. has common beliefs andpracticeswithIslam E. has no written scriptures
7. Traditional religion is practiced in order to
A. instildiscipline
B. worship idols
C. preserveAfrican culture
D. disregard other religion
E. seek help from magicians
8. God is omnipresent. This means that God
A. is all-powerful
B. knows everything
C. is everywhere D. is all forgiving E. is verygracious
9. God blessed and madethe Sabbath holybecauseitwas theday
A. theIsraelites fought theirwars
B. forsettlingalldisputes
C. set aside forthe Passoverfeast
D. that God rested from creation
E. Moses received theTenCommandments
10. Salat is to prayer ascharityis to
A. Zakat B. Shahadah C. Sawm D. Hajj E. Sunnah
11. Akwasidaeaccordingto theAkan calendar is
A. adaythat marks thebeginningof themonth
B. the first Sundaythat marks thebeginningof themonth
C. the Sundaythat marks the42nd dayof themonth
D. adayon which theGolden Stooldescended
E. adaywhenrituals arenot performed
12. The first Jewish templewas builtby
A. David B. Saul C. Solomon D. Samuel E. Elijah
13. Jesus Christwas born in
A. Jerusalem B. Bethlehem C. Bethsaida D. Galilee E. Nazareth
14. Which ofthe following succeeded Muhammad?
A. Abdullah
B. Musa Muhammad
C. Abubakar
D. IssaIbrahim
E. Ali Muhammad
15. Themain role ofangelsinIslam is to
A. reveal Allah‟sorders andmessages to His Prophets
B. help Allah‟sProphets to understand the Quran
C. explain dreamsto thepeople
D. give spiritual powers forthe writingofQuran
E. give spiritual powers to thosewho perform sacrifices to Allah
16. Howmanytimes do Muslims go round the Ka‟baduringtheHajj?
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7 E. 10
17. TheDentsiAsafo Companyis associated with thefestival of
A. Homowo B. Aboakyir C. Odwira D. Akwambo E. Damba
18. Which ofthe followingfestivals help to develop thestrength and vitalityof theyouth?
A. Hogbetsotso
B. Odwira
C. Fetu
D. Damba
E. Aboakyir
19. Oneof the roles of theancestor is to A. ensureharmonyin the family B. giveauthorityto thepeople
C. settle ourdebts
D. raise moreancestorsfrom the family
E. avengehis death
20. Dipo is atraditional
A. festival
B. namingceremony
C. pubertyrite
D. death rite
E. worship
21. One can promotegood relationship and peacefullivingbybeing
A. violent and respectful B. respectfuland obedient C. helpful to relatives
D. tactful and aggressive
E. kind and vocal
22. Which ofthe following does not promote progress in a society?
A. Conflicts
B. Reconciliation
C. Communal labour
D. Confession
E. Festivals
23. Kofi‟sfather is an Eweand the motheris Fante.Which ofthe followingstatements about Kofi is true?
A. Hebelongs to thefather‟sclan only
B. Hebelongs to themother‟sclan only
C. Hebelongs to both the father and mother‟sclan D. He cannot becomea chief in themother‟stown E. He cannot inherit his fatheror mother
24. Themain causeof diseases in our communities is
A. filth in oursurroundings
B. lack of refusetrucks
C. lack of drugs
D. malariaparasites
E. poor eatinghabits
25. Conflicts develop amongus through
A. good neighbourliness
B. reconciliation
C. ambitions
D. laziness
E. misunderstandings
26. Which organisation in Ghana, deals with human rights issues
A. National Commission onChildren
B. National CouncilforWomen and Development
C. Commission on HumanRights and AdministrativeJustice
D. National Commission forCivicEducation
E. United Nations Commission on Human Rights
27. To die intestatemeans
A. dyingwith a willmade
B. dyingwith so much propertyand wealth C. havingno oneinheriting you after death D. beinginheritedby your own children
E. dyingwithoutmaking awill
28. Which ofthe following pairs ofgamescan bestmakethe child wise andstrong?
A. Riddles and oware
B. Ampe and quizzes
C. Tug-of-war andwrestling
D. Oware and quizzes
E. Ampe and wrestling
29. Whenyou apologize forcommittingan offence,you aresaid to be
A. comporting B. courteous C. obedient
D. knowledgeable
E. law abiding
30. Leisuretimeis described as a time for
A. scrubbingthetoilet and kitchen
B. goingto church to worship
C. attendingthefuneral of arelative
D. attendingschooland doinghome work
E. playingindoor and outdoorgames
31. Obedienceto thelaws ofthe state can make us
A. fearful and honest citizens
B. gentleand loving citizens
C. simple and God-fearingcitizens
D. patriotic andgood citizens
E. tolerant and forgivingcitizens
32. A goodeatinghabitinvolves
A. eating and drinkingnoisilyat table
B. eating with a cutleryset
C. eating and talkingat thesame time
D. puttingon aprons beforeeating
E. requestingthe oneclose toyou to pass on an itemtoyou
33. We contributeto churchdues andofferings to A. enable thechurch develop spiritually B. promotedeliverance services.
C. help pastors preach well.
D. help evangelize and careforthe poor
E. help the church membersto be anointed
34. To livea chaste life, onemust
A. avoid bad friendsand casual sex
B. work hardand speak thetruth
C. beobedient to parents andelders
D. become aborn again Christian
E. avoid teenagepregnancy
35. Thepracticeof themoral teachings of thevarious religions willlead to
A. increasein churchattendance
B. war and violence
C. peacein society
D. buildingof moreschools
E. the creation of morejobs
36. Which typeof substanceis coffee?
A. Stimulant
B. Hard drug
C. Common drug
D. Beverage
E. Vitamin
37. “The child breaks theshellof asnail andnot thatofthe tortoise.”This proverb means one
A. mustwork hard
B. should avoid laziness
C. should not be over-ambitious
D. should fight courageously
E. should bekind to animals
38. Which ofthe following doesnot constitute amoral responsibilityof thechild?
A. Sweepingthe classroom
B. Workingon his plot
C. WorshippingGod
D. Beingpunctualat school
E. Payment ofschool fees
39. What contribution can achild makewhena communityschool is beingput up?
A. Roofingthe building
B. Fetchingwater and sand
C. Drawingup the building plan
D. Cheeringthe workers upwith songs
E. Providingfood for theworkers
40. Oneof thebenefits of workinghard is
A. puttingup good houses
B. havingleisure
C. becoming financiallyself-reliant D. becomingpopular andrespectful E. becoming rich andauthoritative
1. C. Noah
2. C. 30
3. A. is at peacewith God andhis neighbour
4. D. Abu Talib
5. E. Eid-ul-Adhar
6. E. has no written scriptures
7. A. instildiscipline
8. C. is everywhere
9. D. that God rested from creation
10. A. Zakat
11. C. theSundaythat marks the42nd dayof themonth
12. C. Solomon
13. B. Bethlehem
14. C. Abubakar
15. A. reveal Allah‟sorders andmessages to His Prophets
16. D. 7
17. B. Aboakyir
18. E. Aboakyir
19. A. ensureharmonyin the family
20. C. pubertyrite
21. B. respectfuland obedient
22. A. Conflicts
Hebelongs to both the father and mother‟sclan
filth in oursurroundings
Commission on HumanRights and AdministrativeJustice
dyingwithoutmaking awill
Ampe and quizzes
playingindoor and outdoorgames
patriotic andgood citizens
requestingthe oneclose toyou to pass on an itemtoyou
help evangelize and careforthe poor
avoid bad friendsand casual sex
peacein society
should not be over-ambitious
Payment ofschool fees
Fetchingwater and sand
becoming financiallyself-reliant