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Rules And Regulations For Dealing With Cases Of Irregularity -WAEC




6.1 Where more than half of the candidates for the subject at a centre are involved in collusion or other forms of examinations malpractice, this shall be regarded as mass cheating.

6.2 Where mass cheating in a subject at a centre is established, the entire results of the candidates at the centre shall be withheld pending cancellation of the results of the subject for those confirmed to have cheated.

6.3 Where mass cheating has been established, the following shall also apply:

(i) In case of schools, a report shall be made to the Ministry of Education or the appropriate Board for disciplinary action to be taken against the person(s) responsible and the school shall be de-recognized for a period not less than one year.

(ii) In the case of public centres, the Council shall take appropriate action.

6.4 A school shall de-recognized for a stated period if :

(i) Mass cheating is established in more than one paper/subject.

(ii)  The appropriate Committee of Council is satisfied that the school cannot ensure the satisfactory conduct of the Council’s examination.

6.5 De-recognition implies that

(i) The school authority can no longer organize or manage the school as a school centre, although the Council or its agent may use the physical facilities of the school for the purpose of the examination.

(ii) The school may be allowed to present its students as school candidates, but the conduct of the whole examination (practical and Theory) shall be the responsibility of Council.

The school concerned shall pay the prescribed extra fees for the supervision and invigilation of the examination before the examination begins.

6.6 Notwithstanding items 6(3)(a) and 6(4) above, recognition may be restored upon a         written assurance from the administering authority of the school that the necessary requirement has been satisfied. Such assurance shall contain details of measures being taken to ensure the satisfactory conduct of the examination, and those which shall be put in place subject and accepted by the Council. Recognition, however, will only be restored after at least one year of de-recognition.



(a) Where a candidate insults or assaults a supervisor/invigilator in the lawful performance of his/her duties inside or outside the examination hall or in any other way disturbs the conduct of the examination, the entire results of the candidate shall be withheld pending cancellation of the entire results by the appropriate Committee of Council. The candidate shall also be barred from taking any examination conducted by the Council for a period not less than two years. In addition, he/she may be handed over to the police for prosecution.

(b) Where a candidate brings into the examination hall or uses anything including chemical substance with intent to cause injury, temporary or permanent incapacity to any authorized person in the examination hall including other candidates, the results of the candidates shall be withheld pending the cancellation of the entire results by the appropriate Committee of Council. In addition, the candidates shall be barred for a period not less than two years from taking any examination conducted by the Council.

(c) Contravention of Rule 7(1) and 7(2) shall not preclude legal action being taken against the candidate by the Council or the individual(s) concerned.



Where a candidate, in contravention of the instructions to candidates, writes with pencil instead of ink or shades with ink instead of pencil, his/her entire results shall be withheld pending cancellation or his/her results for the subject concerned by the appropriate Committee of Council.

  WAEC-Handbook-For-Basic-Education-Certificate-ExaminationBECE.pdf (41611 downloads )

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