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Bece Past Questions and Answers

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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2000 (English)


From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence

21. My friend did everything to hinder my work.
A. reduce
B. do
C. understand
D. assist

22. It is wise to preserve works of art for the future.
A. reduce B. destroy C. condemn D. abolish

23. The director engaged Mary as a saleswoman.
A. disqualified
B. exempted C. dismissed D. excused

24. This soil is very fertile for the growing of vegetables.
A. poor
B. shallow C. porous D. hard

25. Formerly, we walked a very long distance to attend school.
A. sometimes
B. now
C. recently
D. usually


From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence.

26. When the lights went off, I ……………..my supper.
A. have eaten
B. am eating
C. have been eating
D. was eating

27. The factory had to ……………………many workers because of the fall in production.
A. lay down
B. put off
C. put away
D. lay off

28. We ………………to play a return match last Friday.
A. have B. were C. ought D. are

29. It was not obvious ……………….he was pointing to.
A. the one to which
B. which one C. one which D. as to that

30. I have forgotten all ………………..you told me.
A. that
B. which C. what D. those

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