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Bece Past Questions & Answers – 2011 (SOCIAL STUDIES)

APRIL 2011



45 minutes

1. The purpose of naming ceremonies in traditional Ghanaian homes, is to
A. give the child an identity
B. offer gifts to the parents by friends and relatives
C. make parents popular
D. let the child taste alcohol for the first time

2. Which of the following officials are not elected through general elections in Ghana?
A. Members of Parliament
B. President of Ghana C. Assembly members D. Ministers of state

3. Festivals are important in Ghana because they enable the people to
A. remember important past events
B. show their wealth
C. appoint traditional priests for the shrines
D. determine the number of people in the community

4. The instrument used in measuring the rate of evaporation is
A. barometer B. hygrometer C. anemometer D. hydrometer

5. In which vegetational belt is Ghana‟s cocoa mostly grown?
A. Mangrove swamp
B. Sudan savanna
C. Semi-deciduous forest
D. Guinea savanna

6. Equal hours of day and night are experienced in Ghana when the sun is overhead on
A. Latitude 0°
B. Latitude 23 ½ ° North
C. Longitude 180° D. Longitude 0°

7. One of the aims of the African Union (AU) is to A. eliminate cultural differences in Africa B. increase the size of foreign aid to Africa
C. increase the growth of Africa‟s population
D. eliminate conflicts in Africa

8. The eagles in Ghana‟s Coat of Arms signify
A. the wealth of the nation B. protection of the people C. unity of the people
D. a continued link with the Commonwealth

9. The head of government of the second Republic of Ghana was the
A. Attorney General
B. Head of State C. Prime Minister D. Chief Justice

10. Which of the following oceans lies between Africa and America?
A. Arctic B. Atlantic C. Pacific D. Indian

11. Ghana can minimize the importation of goods mainly by
A. increasing subsidies on local products
B. increasing taxes on imports
C. controlling the rate of inflation
D. decreasing advertisement of local products

12. An important source of locally generated revenue for District Assemblies in Ghana is
A. the common fund
B. court fines C. market tolls D. road tolls

13. Indecent dressing among the youth should be discouraged because it
A. leads to increased social crime
B. increases peer pressure C. makes them unpopular D. makes them lose dignity

14. The Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) in Ghana is responsible for resolving problems relating too

A. work place disputes
B. family welfare
C. the chieftaincy institution
D. tribal conflicts

15. Ghana‟s high indebtedness to foreign countries can be reduced by
A. increasing tax revenue
B. using locally produced goods
C. investing more in education
D. ensuring good neighbourliness with other countries

16. One major reason for the migration of ethnic groups into modern Ghana was the search for
A. means of livelihood B. religious protection C. military weapons
D. good neighbours

17. Laws are mainly made to ensure
A. better education
B. instant justice
C. social conformity
D. family unity

18. Public corporations are set up by the government mainly to provide
A. youth employment B. emergency services C. entrepreneurial skills D. utility services

19. The most important factor that can help improve productivity in state enterprises is
A. working throughout the year
B. working for longer hours
C. by increasing public holidays
D. proper supervision

20. Floods in our communities can best be controlled through
A. harvesting rain water
B. planned layout
C. tarring of roads
D. construction of boreholes

21. The interpretation of the constitution of Ghana is a function of the
A. legislature B. executive C. judiciary

D. cabinet

22. Free movement of people, goods and services is one of the main aims of the
A. Non-Aligned Movement
B. United Nations Organisation
C. Economic Community of West African States
D. Commonwealth

23. Industries must be located outside residential areas to
A. avoid pollution
B. encourage competition among firms
C. reduce cost of production
D. reduce industrial accidents

24. Which of the following vegetation types experiences high temperature and heavy rainfall throughout the year?
A. Mangrove forest
B. Tropical vegetation forest
C. Semi deciduous forest
D. Woodland savanna

25. The state can promote the growth of private enterprises by
A. taking over their control and management
B. increasing taxes on their earnings
C. increasing imports of similar products
D. organizing training sessions for their managers

26. When the scale of a map is expressed in the form of a ratio, it is known as
A. diagonal B. statement C. linear
D. representative fraction

27. The main reason for encouraging farmers in Ghana to produce more cocoa is to
A. generate more foreign exchange
B. help determine the best cocoa farmer
C. set up more cocoa factories
D. promote the manufacturing of more cocoa products

28. Which of the following is not a product of the forest zone in Ghana?
A. Palm nut B. Shea nut C. Cocoa
D. Coffee

29. One moral value that is stressed during an outdooring and naming ceremony of a child is
A. truthfulness
B. love
C. hard work
D. respect

30. The tertiary sector of the Ghanaian economy provides
A. services
B. raw materials
C. finished goods
D. industrial machinery

31. The Djebobo and Torogbani mountains are located in the
A. Gambaga escarpment B. Atiwa-Atwredu ranges C. Akwapim-Togo ranges D. Kwahu plateau

32. Productivity in the mining sector can be increased in Ghana through
A. improvement in the land tenure system
B. the employment of more labourers
C. the application of modern technology
D. the use of locally manufactured tools

33. One main reason for the abolition of the slave trade was
A. lack of finance for the traders
B. lack of market for slaves
C. the inhuman nature of the trade
D. lack of cultural support

34. The first African country to allow herself to be assessed under the New Partnership for African
Development (NEPAD) was
A. Ghana
B. South Africa
C. Nigeria
D. Rwanda

35. The African Union (AU) was officially launched on 9th July, 2002 in
A. South Africa
B. Libya C. Nigeria D. Ethiopia

36. One problem hindering the effective functioning of District Assemblies in Ghana is
A. rapid population growth

B. mobilizing funds for development C. interference by traditional rulers D. maintaining law and order

37. Which of the following economic activities does not cause deforestation in Ghana?
A. Crop growing
B. Lumbering
C. Fishing
D. Charcoal burning

38. A major effect of lateness to school and work is that it
A. increases the cost of living
B. takes away leisure time
C. causes ill feeling among colleagues
D. reduces productivity

39. Which of the following business units raises its capital through the sale of shares?
A. Public Corporations
B. Joint-stock Companies
C. Partnership
D. Co-operative societies

40. One benefit that Ghana derives from co-operating with international bodies is
A. payment of dues to such bodies
B. contributing soldiers to peace keeping
C. accepting refugees
D. technology transfer


APRIL 2011




1. A. give the child an identity

2. D. Ministers of state

3. A. remember important past events

4. B. hygrometer

5. C. Semi-deciduous forest

6. A. Latitude 0°

7. D. eliminate conflicts in Africa

8. B. protection of the people

9. C. Prime Minister

10. B. Atlantic

11. B. increasing taxes on imports

12. C. market tolls

13. D. makes them lose dignity

14. B. family welfare

15. B. using locally produced goods

16. A. means of livelihood

17. C. social conformity

18. D. utility services

19. D. proper supervision

20. B. planned layout

21. C. judiciary

Economic Community of West African States

avoid pollution

Tropical vegetation forest

organizing training sessions for their managers

representative fraction

generate more foreign exchange

Shea nut



Akwapim-Togo ranges

the application of modern technology

the inhuman nature of the trade


South Africa

mobilizing funds for development


reduces productivity

Joint-stock Companies

technology transfer

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