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Home / English / BECE Past Questions & Answers – 1993 (English)

BECE Past Questions & Answers – 1993 (English)



From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence

21. Our school is now famous throughout the district.
A. popular
B. anonymous

C. unknown D. irrelevant E. hidden

22. Our new pastor is very modest in his ways.
A. friendly
B. kind
C. particular
D. boastful
E. fashionable

23. Issa was very rude to his teacher.
A. respectful
B. polite
C. obedient D. truthful E. gentle

24. We walked on the smooth side of the pavement.
A. hard B. rough C. coarse
D. slippery
E. narrow

25. The president was denounced by his subjects.
A. elected
B. welcomed C. supported D. advised
E. hailed


From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence.

26. Our ancestors …………to us a lot of knowledge about our culture.
A. handed in
B. passed out
C. passed through
D. handed down

27. The government has set ……a committee on education.
A. apart
B. up C. in D. by

28. None of the suspects………..his guilt.
A. admit
B. admits
C. are admitting
D. have admitted

29. Amidu promised to be patient until his toy ………..repaired.
A. has been B. will be C. was
D. can be

30. The Headmaster, with his assistant ……….inspecting the new school library.
A. will have been
B. are
C. have been
D. is

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