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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2000 (RME)

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Answer threequestionsonlyfrom this section, choosingonequestion from eachpart
Creditwill be given for clarity of expression and orderlypresentation ofmaterial

Answer onequestion onlyfrom this part

1. “Honouryourfatherandyourmother, thatyour daysmaybelongin theland …”
Explainfive ways offulfillingthis commandment

2. (a) (b) Describehow salatis performed
State anythreevalues insalat

(a) (b)
What ispuberty?
What is the importanceof this riteto thepeople inyourcommunity

Answer onequestion onlyfrom this part

4. Describeanyfive ways of showing courtesyinyour community

5. Explain the moral importanceof traditional songs

6. (a) What is the importanceof work ?
(b) Explain anyfour positive attitudes that one should develop towards work

Answer onequestion onlyfrom this part.

7. (a) (b) Listanyfive common diseases that can cause death inyourcommunity

What steps can betaken to prevent such diseases

(a) (b)

Describethe extended familysystem.

Mention anythreeadvantages and threedisadvantages of the extended familysystem CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2



1. Ways offulfillingthe commandment to honourone’s parents
Introduction: To honoursomeonemeans to do somethingthat shows great respectforthat person.

(i) Obeyingone‟sparents
(ii) Greetingone‟sparents in the proper way
(iii) Talkingto one‟sparents politely
(iv) Apologisingand askingfor forgivenessfrom parents when oneoffends them
(v) Thankingone‟sparents forthe things doneforonebyparents
(vi) Offeringone‟sseat to one‟sparents, if thereis shortageof seats
(vii) Behaving wellso that others will speak wellof one and one‟sparents
(viii) Studyinghard and performingwellat school to bringhonourto one‟sparents
(ix) Celebratingparents, especiallyon special occasions such as birthdays,
mothers‟/fathers‟ day, etc
(x) Helpingone‟sparents with their load withouttheir asking (xi) Offeringto do one‟sparents‟work forthem, ifcapable (xii) Speakingwellofone‟sparents to others
(xiii) Praisingone‟sparents for howtheyare and thegood things theydo.

2. (a) Howsalatis performed
The ablution (wuzu)mustbeperformed beforeeverysalat
Theprayer session comprises a numberof movements / positions.
Each movement is always preceded bythe phrase„AllahuAkbar‟(God isGreat).
This indicates to followers ofthe prayer that theleader isabout to makethenext movement.

Takbir (Starting position)
Muslims facetowards theQibla in Mecca and makethe intention to pray.To begin theact of prayer, theysay’Allahu Akbar’ meaning God is great, raisingthe hands to theearsor shoulder.

Qiyaam (Standingposition)
Muslims placetheir righthand over their left on their chest or navel whilein the standingposition
A short supplication glorifyingGodand seeking His protection is read.

Qiraat (Recitation fromQuran)
Muslims recite Surah Al Fatiha, which is thefirst chapterin theQur’an. Verses from anyanother chapterarethen recited.

Ruku (Bowingposition)
TheMuslimbows down, puttingthe hands on theknees andsays’glorybeto God, theMostGreat’, threetimes.

Qiyaam (Standingposition)
Whilemovinginto the upright position, Muslimsrecite’God listens to theonewho praisesHim’ and whilein thestandingposition, ‘To God belongs allpraise’then is recited.’God is Great’is recited again. Handsarelooselyat thesides this time.

Sujud (Prostrating position)
Sujud means to prostrate.Whilein theprostration position ‘Glorybeto God, the Most High’is repeated threetimes. Palms, knees, toes, foreheadand nosemustbethe onlybodyparts touchingthe ground.

Qa’da-i-Akhira (Sitting position)
‘God is Great’is recitedwhile movingto thesittingposition. Muslims pausehere forafew seconds, either stayingsilent, or recitingashorter prayer.’God is Great’is recited oncemore as the sujud position is taken again.

Sujud (Prostrating position)
This sujud is the same as the first one.
Afterreciting ‘Glorybeto God, theMostHigh’, one’raka’ah’, or unitis complete.

AftersayingGod is Great, Muslims return to thesittingposition. Theyreciteaset number of short prayers in Arabic, praisingGod,and sendingpeaceon the Prophet. Theyrepeat thedeclaration of faith, raisingthe forefinger oftheirright hand, in order to act as awitness.

Theythen ask God to bestow blessings andpeaceupon Prophet Abrahamand his family, andask for the same forProphet Muhammad. Finally, Muslims ask for forgiveness and mercy, andask God to bless them and their children until theDayof Judgement.

Peaceto the right
To end the prayer, Muslims first turn their faceto the right saying ‘Peacebeuponyou, and themercy and blessings ofAllah.’
(This is said to theAngels who Muslims believeaccompany each human being to record their actions)

Peaceto theleft
‘Peacebeuponyou, and themercyand blessings of Allah’is repeated turningto theleft sidenow. (Muslims believetheAngel on therightside records all good actions and thoughts, while theoneon the leftrecords all bad actions.)

(b) Values insalat
(i) Truthfulness
(ii) Purity
(iii) Mercy/ forgiveness
(iv) Obedience
(v) Kindness /generosity
(vi) Submission
(vii) Perseverance
(viii)Commitment / dedication

3. (a) Puberty?
Pubertyis theperiod ofaperson‟slifeduringwhich theirsexual organs develop and they
become capable of havingchildren.
This usuallyoccurs between the ages of 9 and 17years.
In manytraditional communities, certain rites areperformed,especiallyfor girls, knownas pubertyrites, to usher them into adulthood.

Theimportanceofthisrite to thepeople inyour community
(i) It helps to maintain chastityamongtheyouth in the community
(ii) It helps thegirls to find suitors formarriage
(iii) It helps thegirls togain knowledgeof theirwomanhood and how to takecareof themselves
(iv) It brings honour to thegirls and theirparents
(v) It helps thegirls togetcapital to start/learn abusiness/trade/ practice, therebyreducing poverty/ unemployment
(vi) It prepares thegirls mentally, physicallyand spirituallyfor marriage.

4. Ways ofshowing courtesy inyour community
(i) Offering and responding to greetings inaproperway. (ii) Dressingneatlyand decently
(iii) Assisting/ helpingpeople who need help. (iv) Obeyinginstructions from elderlypeople
(v) Surrenderingone‟sseat in abus or at agatheringfor an elderlyperson
(vi) Speakingto others inapolite way
(vii) Thankingpeople forgood things theydo
(viii) Apologisingand askingfor forgivenesswhen onegoeswrong
(ix) Beingpeace-loving and apeacemaker

5. Moral importanceoftraditional songs
(i) Love– Wemustlove God and love ourneighbour
(ii) Peace– wemustlive atpeacewith one another
(iii) Compassion– wemustbe compassionatetowards others, especiallythosein unfortunate circumstances
(iv) Obedience– wemustobeyGod and thosewho have authorityover us
(v) Trust – wemusttrust God with all our heart andbetrustworthyourselves

(vi) Faithfulness– wemustbe faithful with whateverwe are responsiblefor
(vii) Submission– wemustsubmit ourselves to God and to our elders
(viii)Mercy / Forgiveness–wemustshow mercyto thosewho offend us and forgive them
(ix) Graciousness– wemustbegracious to others, just as God has been to us
(x) Honesty – wemustbehonest in allour dealings and relationships
(xi) Perseverance –wemustnot give up ourgoodworks even in difficult times
(xii) Diligent work– wemustwork diligently
(xiii)Generosity – wemustgive cheerfullyandabundantly

6. (a) Theimportanceofwork

(i) It brings honourand respect to oneself
(ii) It build up our selfesteem/confidence
(iii) It keeps us (spirit, soul and body) healthyand active (iv) It increases andsharpensour knowledgeand skills (v) It makes as successful
(vi) It can bringus riches / wealth
(vii) It promotes the development ofthe societyandcommunity
(viii) It creates asenseof fulfillment, satisfaction and joyin us.
(ix) It makes us spirituallyblessed, as weobeyGod‟sword to work hard
(x) It can open up several good opportunities forus

(b) Positive attitudes that oneshoulddeveloptowards work
(i) Beingpunctual- coming to /startingwork on time
(ii) Beingregular – comingto /doingworkas often as is required
(iii) Beingdisciplined -doingwhat has to bedone regardless ofhow onefeels
(iv) Beingcommitted -having astrongloyalty/ devotion forthe work (as though it wereyours /your lifedepended on it)
(v) Beingdiligent -workingtirelesslyand consistently
(vi) Persevering – continuing/ persisting,even in the faceof difficulties
(vii) Stayingfocused- always havingin mind theultimate objective/ goal /aim. (viii)Beingpatient -Enduring/ staying calmin caseof unexpected delays

7. (a) Common diseases thatcancausedeathinyour community
(i) AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome (AIDS) (ii) Cholera
(iii) Malaria
(iv) Hypertension
(v) Typhoid
(vi) Tuberculosis
(vii) Poliomyelitis

(b) Steps that can be takento prevent such diseases


AIDS Avoid pre-marital / casual /extra-marital sex
Avoid usingusedsyringes / needles / blades

Cholera Eatinghot meals,
drinkingclean potablewater,
washinghands with soapafter visitingthe toilet

Malaria Usingtreated mosquito net
Usingmosquito repellent
Clearingmosquito breeding grounds such as choked gutters, stagnant pools of water, etc
High blood
pressure  Reducingsaltintake
 Avoidingdrinkingalcoholicbeverages
 Avoidingsmoking
 Exercisingregularly
 Having enough sleep
 Reducing emotional stress
 Reducing fat intake
 Increasing fruits andvegetableintake
Leukemia  Avoidingexposureto certain radiations
 Avoidingexposureto certain chemicals
 Avoidingsmoking

Tuberculosis Vaccination
Ensuring adequate ventilation
Avoid sharing cutlery, cups and glasses with infected persons

8. (a) The extended family system.

– It comprises of various nuclearfamilies
– Manygenerations (great grandparents,grandparents, parents, children,grandchildren, greatgrandchildren) ofthe familylivetogether asone
– Several relations (uncles,aunties, nephews, nieces, cousins, etc) livetogether as one unit
– Each member has aresponsibilitytowards other members of thefamily
– Thesystem is led bythefamilyhead (Abusuapanyin)

(b) Advantages ofthe extended family system

(i) Other familymembers takeup the responsibilityof caringfor the children in the absenceof biological parents
(ii) Membersgain broad knowledge, experience andwisdom from elders in the extended family.
(iii) Children areableto learntheirnativelanguageproperly.
(iv) Children do not go wayward (get spoilt), even if parents are absent forlong periods. (v) Greater securityof members dueto larger size
(vi) Members are able to properlylearn /applythe culture/ customs of their native background
(vii) Whereparents areirresponsible, the children haveotherfamilymembers to depend on forguidance, assistance and security.
(viii) Members benefit from strongrelationships among familymembers
(ix) Moreopportunities forprogress in life, dueto helpfrom othermembers in the extended family

Disadvantages ofthe extended family
(i) Reduced privacyas members keep meddlingin the affairs ofothers. (ii) Slow decision-takingprocess due to largesize.
(iii) Moremoneyneeded to cater fortheneeds of thefamily
(iv) Higher frequencyofquarrels and disagreementsamongmembers
(v) Weaker bond of unity/ oneness within family
(vi) Inadequatesupervision of children byparents
(vii) Greater envy/jealousyamongextended familymembers
(viii) High incidenceof sexual /physical abuse. (ix) Slower conflict resolution
(x) Greater pressureon family resources

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