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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2003 (RME)

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Answer threequestionsonlyfrom this section, choosingonequestion from eachpart
Creditwill be given for clarity of expression and orderlypresentation ofmaterial

Answer onequestion onlyfrom this part

1. (a) (b) Give an account of thestoryof theprodigal son
Whatthreelessons can belearnt from the story?

(a) (b)
What isEid-ul-Adha?
Explain how it is observed in Muslim communities

(a) (b)
Narrate oneAfrican traditional storyon creation
Explain anythree attributes ofGod in the creationstory

Answer onequestion onlyfrom this part

4. (a) (b) Describeanyfour waysoflivingagood moral life
What arethe benefits of livingthis typeof life?

Statethreereasonseachwhychildren should beobedient to
(i) parents
(ii) teachers

Mention anyfour rules that areexpected to beobeyed inyour school

(a) (b)
Describeanyfive symptoms of AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome(AIDS) How can AIDS be prevented inyourcommunity?


Answer onequestion onlyfrom this part.

7. (a) (b) Givefive reasons whymoneyis veryimportant in ourlives

Describehow onecan earnmoneyinan honest way.

(a) (b)

Explainfive disadvantages of belongingto the extended family

Whatfour advantagescan bederivedfrom such afamily? CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2




1. (a) An account ofthe story oftheprodigalson
– Therewas a manwho had two sons.
– Oneday, theyounger son askedhis father to dividehis propertyandgivehimhis share immediately.
– The father did as the sonrequested.
– A few daysafter, thesongathered hisentiresharethat the fathergaveto him and travelled into a far country.
– Whilethere, helived acareless and extravagant lifestyle.
– Aftersometime, hehadspent and wastedallthat hehad and was left withnothing.
– Therewas also afamine(shortageoffood and other basic necessities) in that country.
– He ended upworkingforsomeonewho madehimtake careof pigs.
– At times, hewas so hungrythat he feltlikefeedinghimself with thepigs‟food.
– Noneof his friends helped himor gavehimanything.
– Then, heremembered his father‟shouse, whereeven servants had morethan enoughfood
to eat;and herehewas, almost starvingto death.
– Hedecided thereand then to humble himself, goback to his father, plead formercyand forgiveness andask to work as a servant in his father‟shouse.
– So headed back to his father‟shouseas he had planned.
– On his wayback home, his fathersawhimwhile hewas still far away.
– Out of compassion, he ran to meet him and welcomed him byhuggingandkissinghim.
– Theson confessed his sins and showed regret andrepentance.
– The father forgavehim and askedforhimto be clothed with the best robe,a ring and shoes.
– The father also askedforthe best calf to bekilledand used fora feast to celebrate the return ofhis prodigalyoungerson.
– Meanwhile, theolder son, however,was not happywhen hecame from work and heard
what wasgoingon.
– The reason hegavewas that he has stayedfaithful, loyal and obedient to the father allthis while. Yet, the father hadnever thrownevenasmall partyforhim.
– The father explained that allthat hehas belongs tohim(the elderson), thereforeheshould
not worry. As fortheprodigal son, hewas considered lostand dead, but now heis found and alive

(b) Lessons that can belearnt fromthestory
(i) Wemustbepatient and waitforthe right time forcertain privileges
(ii) God hasgiven us the freewillto chooseto be with himor beon ourown, however,each choicehas its consequences.
(iii) Stayingwith God bringsblessings andpeace, whereas movingawayfromGod brings curses andsuffering.
(iv) Wemustavoid makinghastydecisions
(v) Wrongdoing/ sin leads to shame and disgrace, whileupright livingleads to honour and grace.
(vi) Whatever wearedoingnow has futureimplications, which are either positive or negative
(vii) Wemust useour resources (money, time, energy,etc) forthings that wouldbenefit us
in future, rather than justspending/ wastingit.
(viii)The friends who mayinfluenceoneto waste his resources now, will leave/ even mock
(laughat) theonewhen the resources are goneinfuture.
(ix) Wemustnot be in ahurryto leavehome /beindependent (from our parents/guardians).
Manytimes dependenceis better and safer for us.
(x) When we realizethat wehavedonewrong/ madeamistake, wemusthumble ourselves,go andask for forgiveness andchangeforthe better.
(xi) It is never too lateto changeour minds /repent.
(xii) God is (and most parents/guardians/teachers are) ever willingto forgive andreceiveus back, wheneverwego wrong, but repent andcomeback.
(xiii)Wemustalso be willingand readytoforgive anyonewho offends us, evenbeforethe person apologizes.
(xiv)God is merciful andgracious; so must we, his children.

2. (a) Eid-ul-Adha
 It means „Festival of Sacrifice‟,and also known as „GreaterEid‟.
 It is the second most important festival in the Muslim calendar.
 It is celebrated to commemorate ProphetIbrahim‟s willingness to sacrificehis son,
Ismail, when God ordered himto.
 The celebration begins from the10th dayof the12th month of theIslamiccalendar.

(b) Ho
(i) wit is observedinMuslimcommunities
Muslims go to theMosque forprayers dressed infestive clothes
(ii) Theythank Allah forallthe blessings theyhavereceived
(iii) Muslims, who can affordit, sacrificeasheep(sometimes agoat) asa reminder of
Ibrahim‟sobedienceto Allah.Beforethe sacrifice,the butcher‟shand is placed on the
animal and aprescribedprayer is said.
(iv) Themeat is divided into 3 equal parts and sharedout amongfamily, friends (and
neighbours) and the poor.
(v) Muslims also give out moneyforhumanitarian services to thepoor

3. (a) African traditional stories oncreation

Boshongo, Bantu Tribe(Central and SouthernAfrica)
In the beginningthere was onlydarkness, water, and the greatgodBumba.OnedayBumba,
in pain from astomach ache, vomited up thesun. Thesun dried up someofthe water, leaving land. Still in pain, Bumbavomited up themoon, thestars, andthen some animals:the
leopard, thecrocodile, theturtle, and, finally, somemen, oneofwhom, YokoLimawas white

Dogon (Mali)
Atthebeginningoftime,Amma(asupremegodwholivedinthecelestialregionsandwas theoriginofallcreation)createdtheEarthandimmediately joinedwithit.ButtheEarth’s clitorisopposedthemalepenis.Ammadestroyedit,circumcisinghiswife,andtheyhada child,Ogo,andthetwins,theNommo.Ogohadnopartnerandwas barren,sohe introduced disorderintotheworldbycommittingincestwithhismother,Earth.Thefirstmenstrual bloodcamefromthisunion,aswellasYebanandAndumbulu,the spiritsof the underworld. Ammacreatedthestarsby throwingpelletsofearthintospace.Hecreatedthesunandmoon bymodellingtwowhiteearthenwarebowls,oneencircledwithredcopper,theotherwith white copper.Black people wereborn under thesunand white people underthe moon.

Efik (Central Nigeria):
The creator,Abassi,created twohumansandthendecided tonotallow themtolive onearth. Hiswife,Atai,persuadedhimtoletthemdoso.Inordertocontrolthehumans,Abassi insistedthatthey eatalltheirmealswithhim,thereby keepingthemfromgrowingorhunting food.Healsoforbadethemtoprocreate.Soon,though,thewomanbegangrowing foodinthe earth,andthey stoppedshowinguptoeatwithAbassi.Thenthemanjoinedhiswifeinthe fields,andbeforelongtherewerechildrenalso.Abassiblamedhiswifeforthewaythings hadturnedout,butshe toldhimshe wouldhandle it. She senttoearth deathanddiscordto keep the peoplein their place.

Ekoi (South Nigeria):
Inthebeginning therewere twogods,ObassiOsawandObassiNsi.Thetwogodscreated everything together.ThenObassiOsawdecidedtoliveinthesky andObassiNsidecidedto liveontheearth.Thegodinthesky giveslightandmoisture,butalsobringsdroughtand storms.Thegodoftheearthnurtures,andtakesthepeoplebacktohimwhenthey die.One day longagoObassiOsawmadeamanandawoman,andplacedthemupontheearth.They knew nothing so Obassi Nsi taught them about planting and hunting to get food.

Wakwasthecreatorgodwholivedintheclouds.He keptthevaultoftheheavensata distancefromtheearthandcovereditwithstars.He wasabenefactoranddidnotpunish. WhentheearthwasflatWakaskedmantomakehisowncoffin,andwhenmandidthis Wak shuthimupinitandpusheditintotheground.Forsevenyearshemadefireraindownand themountainswere formed.ThenWakunearthedthecoffinandmansprang forth,alive.Man tiredofliving alone,soWaktooksomeofhisblood,andafterfourdays,thebloodbecamea womanwhomthemanmarried.Theyhad30children,butthemanwasashamedofhaving so


Wahungwe (Zimbabwe):
Maoricreatedthefirstman,Mwuetsi,whobecame themoon.Maorigavehima ngona horn filledwithngonaoilandtoldhimhewouldliveatthebottomofthewaters.Mwuetsi objectedandsaidhewishedtoliveontheland.Maorireluctantly agreed,butsaidMwuetsi wouldgiveupimmortality ifhedid.AfterawhileMwuetsicomplainedofloneliness,so Maorisenthimawoman,Massassi(themorning star),tokeephimcompany fortwoyears. Eachnightthey sleptonoppositesidesofacampfire,untilonenightMwuetsijumpedover theflameandtouchedMassassiwithafingerhehadmoistenedwiththengonaoil.Inthe moning Massassiwashuge,andsoongavebirthtoplantsandtreesuntilthewholeearthwas covered by them.AttheendoftwoyearsMaoritookMassassiaway.Mwuetsiweptforeight years,atwhichtimeMaorisenthimanotherwoman,Morongo(theevening star),saying that shecouldstayfortwoyears.OnthefirstnightMwuetsitouchedherwithhisoiledfinger,but shesaidshewasdifferentthanMassassi,andthatthey wouldhavetooiltheirloinsandhave intercourse.Thistheydid,thisnight,andeverynightthereafter.EverymorningMorongo gave birthtothe animalsof creation.Thenshegave birthtohuman boysandgirls,who becamefull-grownbythatverysameevening.Maorivoicedhisdisleasurewithafierce storm,andtoldMwuetsihewashastening hisdeathwithallthisprocreation.Morongo,ever the temptress,instructedMwuetsitobuilda doortotheir habitatsothatMaoricouldnotsee whattheyweredoing.Hedidthis,andagainthey slepttogether.Nowinthemorning Morongogavebirthtoviolentanimals;snakes,scorpions,lions,etc.One nightMorongotold Mwuetsitohaveintercoursewithhisdaughters,whichhedid,thereby fatheringthehuman race.

Zulu (South Africa)
The AncientOne,knownasUnkulunkulu,is theZulucreator.He camefromthereeds (uthlanga,meanssource)andfromthemhebroughtforththepeopleandthecattle.He createdeverythingthatis:mountains,streams,snakes,etc.HetaughttheZuluhowtohunt, howtomake fire,andhowtogrowfood.Heisconsideredtobethe FirstManandisin everythingthat hecreated.

Akan (Ghana)
God firstcreated the courtcrier, who standsfor order. After whichGodcreated the earthand plants.Hethencreatedthesky,waterbodiesandplantsinthatorder.Hemadeanimalsand allotherliving things.Godthencreatedhumanbeingstocaterforandfeedontheplantsand animals.The spiritsandlessergodswere thencreatedtoprotectandsupportthehuman beings.The spirits/lessergodswere made todwellinplants,water bodies,forests,rocks, mountains,etx.God thencreatedOkyrema (thedrummer) who isthe custodian/symbol of knowledge. Finally, Godcreated death.

(b) Attributes ofGodinthe creationstories
(i) All powerful (ii) All knowing (iii) Ever present
(iv) Order / Structure

(v) Sovereign
(vi) Peace-loving

4. (a) Ways ofliving a goodmoral life
(i) We can livegood moral lives by
(ii) Fearing (respectingand serving)God
(iii) Honouring and obeying our parents and elders
(iv) Livinga chaste life(abstainingfrom allforms ofsexual immorality) (v) Beinghonest /truthful inallthings
(vi) Beinghumble and submissiveto our parents and teachers
(vii) Workinghard / diligently
(viii) Helpingthosewho needhelp
(ix) Respectful and politeto everyone
(x) Doingour house choresdutifully
(xi) Doingour school assignments properly
(xii) Givingto thepoor, if wecan

(b) Thebenefits ofliving this typeoflife
(i) It brings honour to one‟sfamily
(ii) Itgives oneahigh socialreputation
(iii) Itgives oneahigh selfesteem /confidence
(iv) Itgives onethe peaceofmind (sound mind) needed to focus on one‟seducation.
(v) It enables onetoenjoyasmooth progress of education / training
(vi) Prevention ofSexuallyTransmitted Diseases (STDs) (vii) Avoidanceof teenagepregnancyand related problems
(viii)Higher chanceof attractingresponsible partner for marriage
(ix) It creates peaceand harmonyin the community
(x) It makes onegain muchfavour and helpfrom various people. (xi) It makes iteasyforoneto makegood friends.
(xii) It creates unityand asenseof togetherness in the community
(xiii)It promotesrapid development of the community (xiv)It creates asenseof satisfaction and joyin people (xv) It brings spiritual blessings
(xvi)It can open up several good opportunities forthe person

5. (a) (i) Reasons eachwhychildrenshould beobedient toparents
– It is acommandment from God
– It attracts theblessings ofGod upon the child
– It brings favourfrom parents towards the child
– It ensures safety/ securityfor the child
– It helpschildren avoid certain mistakes in life
– It promotesgood / healthyparent-child relationship
– It makes iteasyforparents to provide theneeds /wants of their children

– It creates apeaceful andsound mind forboth parent and child

(ii) Reasons eachwhy childrenshould beobedient to teachers
– It attracts rewardsand favourfrom theteachers
– It portraysgood upbringingat thechild‟shome
– It facilitates higheracademicperformance
– It promotesgood / healthyteacher-child relationship
– It creates a conducive atmosphereforteaching and learning
– It ensures safety/ securityfor the child
– It helpschildren avoid certain mistakes in life
– It creates apeaceful andsound mind forbothteacher and child

(b) Rules that are expectedto beobeyedinyourschool

(i) Come to school beforethestipulated arrival time (eg, 7:00am) (ii) Doyour school chores diligently
(iii) Attend morningassemblyandallotherschoolgatheringsregularlyand punctually. (iv) Greet andrespect all teachers and school mates
(v) Payattention in class
(vi) Do and submityourclassand home work on time (vii) Ensurethatyour surroundingis always kept clean (viii) Wear the required uniform at alltimes
(ix) Dress modestlyand decently
(x) Assist /help others whenever theyneed help.
(xi) Obeygood instructions from teachers and seniors
(xii) Raiseyour hand andwaitto be called to answer orask a question
(xiii) Payattention duringlessons
(xiv) Takepart in allclassroom activities
(xv) Respect theviews of others
(xvi) Greet theteacher andyour classmates whenyou enterthe classroom
(xvii) Do not leavetheclassroom without permission
(xviii)Do not stand on the tables and chairs except bypermission
(xix) Do not litter the classroom or school compound
(xx) Do not makenoise in class
(xxi) Do not fight in class (or anywhere) (xxii) Do not eat in class
(xxiii)Do not use abusivelanguage
(xxiv) Do not sleep in class

6. (a) Symptoms ofAcquiredImmuneDeficiency Syndrome(AIDS)

(i) Fever
(ii) Coughing
(iii) Shortness of breath
(iv) Extreme fatigue/ lack ofenergy

(v) Weight loss
(vi) Severeand persistent diarrhoea
(vii) Severeheadaches
(ix) Forgetfulness

(b) HowAIDScan bepreventedinthe community

(i) Abstainingfromcasual/ premarital sex – Peoplewho arenotyet married must abstain from all forms ofsexual contact with others. This makes italmost impossible foronetoget infected with theHIV, sincethe infection is mostlyspread through sexual contact.

(ii) Intensifying public educationon prevention andcontrol of AIDS.

(iii) Undergoing Voluntary Counseling andTesting(VCT)– This is a test conducted to test forthe presenceof theHIV / AIDS virus in aperson. Theperson is counseled beforeand after thetest.

(iv) Being faithful to ones’partner– Marriedcouples must havesexual intimacyonly with each other.In the casewhereonepartner is alreadyinfected, then theymust always use acondom in order togreatlyreducethe risk of infectingthe other partner.

(v) Using a condomwhen havingsexwith an infected person. For people whoindulgein pre-marital / casual / extra-marital sex, itis advisableto usea condom in order to reducethe risk ofgetting infected.

(vi) Disinfection andsterilizationoftools and equipment that areusedon or inthe body.
This must be doneto killanybacteria and viruses that maybepresent, and hence prevent infection.

(vii) Avoiding thesharing of unsterilizedcuttingorpiercingobjects, suchas syringes, needles blades

(viii) Using antiretroviral drugsto help preventHIVtransmission from pregnant HIV- positivemother to unborn child. Thedrughelps to stop the multiplicationand spread ofthe HIV, thereforereducingtherisk ofthe expectant mother infectingtheunborn child.

7. (a) Reasons why money is very important in ourlives
(i) It is usedto obtain our basic needs (food,water, shelter, clothing)
(ii) It is used to payour bills(eg, electricity, transportand maintenance) (iii) It enables the valuation of goodsand services.
(iv) It is used to payour school fees andother public/social services
(v) It can beinvested in a business to generate income / moremoney

(vi) It can beused to payforinsurance againstunforeseen misfortunes, suchasdeath, motor accidents, fireoutbreaks

(b) Howone canearnmoney inan honest way.
(i) Byworkingasan employeeand receiving asalary
(ii) Byengagingin a business venture
(iii) Byrenderingacommercial serviceforthe public
(iv) Byinvestinginabusiness or enterprise
(v) Bydepositingmoneyin an interest-payingsavings bank account
(vi) Bydepositingmoneyin mutualfunds
(vii) Bybuyingtreasurybills
(viii)Bybuyingshares on thestock market

8. (a) Disadvantages ofbelonging to the extended family
(i) Reduced privacyas members keep meddlingin the affairs ofothers. (ii) Slow decision-takingprocess due to largesize.
(iii) Moremoneyneeded to cater fortheneeds of thefamily
(iv) Higher frequencyofquarrels and disagreements amongmembers
(v) Weaker bond of unity/ oneness within family
(vi) Inadequatesupervision of children byparents
(vii) Greater envy/jealousyamongextended familymembers
(viii) High incidenceof sexual /physical abuse. (ix) Slower conflict resolution
(x) Greater pressureon familyresources

(b) Adva
(i) ntages can bederived fromsucha family
Other familymembers takeup the responsibilityof caringfor the children in the
absenceof biological parents
(ii) Membersgain broad knowledge, experience andwisdom from elders in the extended
(iii) Children areableto learntheirnativelanguageproperly.
(iv) Children do not go wayward (get spoilt), even if parents are absent forlong periods.
(v) Greater securityof members dueto larger size
(vi) Members are able to properlylearn /applythe culture/ customs of their native
(vii) Whereparents areirresponsible, the children haveotherfamilymembers to depend on
forguidance, assistance and security.
(viii) Members benefit from strongrelationships among familymembers
(ix) Moreopportunities forprogress in life, dueto helpfrom othermembers in the
extended family

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