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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2007 (RME)


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Answer onequestion only from this section

1. (a) (b) Narrate theparable of theGood Samaritan
Whatthreelessons could belearnt from the story?

(a) (b)
Describehow marriageceremonyis performed inIslam
Statethreethings whichmakemarriagesuccessful

Write five important facts about thelifeof oneofthe followingpersonalities: (i) Egya(Osofo) Ahor,
(ii) Okomfo Anokye, (iii) TogbeTsali

Whatthreelessons could belearnt from the lifeof thepersonality you wrote about in (a)?


Answeronequestion only fromthis section

4. (a) (b) Listfour factors to beconsidered before greeting someone. Givefour reasons whyitis important to greet someone.

(a) (b)
Mention anyfive classroom rules
Givefour reasons whyrules and regulations areimportant

(a) (b)
Whatfour reasons do students givefor abusingdrugs?
Statethreedefensive skillsyou would useto protectyourselfagainstsubstanceabuse.



7. (a)

8. (a)

Statethreetypesofworkcarriedoutinyourcommunity. Givefouradvantagesofworkinghard

Givefouradvantagesofbelongingtoanuclearfamily CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2



1. (a) Parable oftheGood Samaritan
Introduction:Jesus told this parable in answer to aquestion from a lawyer wantingto know who his neighbourwas.This was aftertheyhad talked about loving God and lovingour neighbours as ourselves.

– A man was travellingfrom Jerusalem toJericho.
– On theway, hewas attacked byrobbers(thieves),who removed his clothes,beat him up, left him severelyinjuredand went away.
– Aftersometime, apriest passed bythat woundedman and went awaywithout helping him
– ALevite also came thatway, sawthis woundedman, crossed to theotherside and left
withoutattendingto theman.
– Then aSamaritan,whowas also travellingthat wayalso came to wherethe wounded man was lying.
– When hesawHim, he had compassion on him, went to him, cleaned the man‟swounds
and dressed it.
– Hethen carried thewounded man, put himon his own donkey(bywhich hewas travelling) and sent him to an inn /clinic.
– He askedthecaretaker totake careof theman till he comes back and paidforthe services

(b) Lesso
(i) ns that could belearnt fromthe story
A good neighbour is someonewho helps, not just someone close
(ii) It is moreimportant to offer help to thosewho need it, than merelybeingreligious
(iii) Wemustbewillingto offer help,even to strangers (but thesedays, withgreat
(iv) Helpingpeople is moreimportant to God than practicingreligion
(v) Wemustbe carefulabout usingunsecured routesorpassages,especiallyifwe are
(vi) Shortcuts (concerninglifein general) can bedangerous
(vii) Lifeis moreimportant than religious rituals.
(viii) God looks at theheart tojudge, not on theoutside.
(ix) Sometimes people, whom wethink cannot or will nothelp, arethe ones who actually
offer thegreatest help.
(x) Wemust be willingto sacrificeour comforts for others
(xi) At times, those wethink should bemorehelpful arerather wicked

(xii) Wemustnot judgepeople bytheir tribe/ colour/sex/ religion, etc. (xiii) Wemustnot discriminate

2. (a) Howmarriageceremony is performedinIslam
Marriage(inIslam and others)is thesocial institution underwhich amanand woman agree with the consent of theirfamilies to live together as husband and wife.

(i) Theselection ofthe partner and proposal is usuallydonebytheman orhis family
(ii) Muslims usuallymarrythosewho are also Muslims
(iii) A guardian (wali) must be presentas the legal representative ofthe bride
(iv) Thedowerand/or bride price (Mahr)in the form ofmoneyorothergifts are presented to thebrideand her parents
(v) Member ofthefamilypresent sharethe cola to show that theyagreeto themarriage. (vi) A marriage ceremony(nikah)is performed byaqualified Muslimpriest afterthe
payment and acceptanceofthe dowerand/or brideprice. (vii) Themarriageis recordedin theIslamicregistry
(viii) The couple exchangemarriagevows to show theircommitment to themarriage
(ix) TheIslamicpriest readsSura4 ofthe Quran andgives asermon. (x) The ceremonyis usuallyfollowed byaweddingpartyor feasting
(xi) Gifts arepresented tothenew couple byfamily,friends and well-wishers
(xii) The couple aretaken to their matrimonial home
(xiii) Themarriageis consummated at thematrimonialhome.

(b) Thingswhichmakemarriage successful
(i) Unconditional love
(ii) Patience foreach other
(iii) Understandingofeach other
(iv) Willingness to compromise
(v) Willingness to adapt to one‟sspouse‟sbehavior /wayof doingthings
(vi) Tolerance foreach other
(vii) Sexual satisfaction for each other
(viii) Mutual respect for each other
(ix) Respect forone‟sin-laws(spouse‟sfamily)
(x) Expressingappreciationand gratitude to one‟sspouseforthings done
(xi) Prayingfor thesuccess of themarriage
(xii) Avoidingthings thatcancause arguments or heated debates
(xiii) Apologizingto one‟spartnerwhen onegoes wrong(or when partnerraisesa concern)
(xiv) Transparency/ opennesswith one‟sspouse (not hidingthingsfrom one‟sspouse)
(xv) Forgivingeach other forwrongs committed
(xvi) Complimenting(praising) the efforts ofone‟sspouse

3. (a) Important facts about thelifeofthefollowingpersonalities:

(i) Egya (Osofo)Ahor,
– An eminent Fanteleaderin the12th centuryfromthe AnonaRoyal Familyofthe
GomoaTraditional Area
– Heled theFantes as theymigratedfrom Techiman to their present locations
– Hewasalso agreat hunter, farmerand chiefpriest of the Fantegod,Akyen
– Heofferedgoodadvice and guidance for thepeople
– Heplanted atreeto symbolizepeacein theFanteland
– He assisted the poorandneedywith his wealth
– Hewas highlyrespected byhis people
– At apointin time, therewas a plague,which was killingalotofpeople.Itwas foundout that it could onlybestopped byahuman sacrifice.
– AgyaAhoroffered himself to besacrificed to stop the plague
– Heordained his son Edufor as his successor and prepared himselfforthe sacrifice.
– Hewas sent to a shrinein Mankesimand was sacrificed voluntarily.
– Soon after thesacrifice, the plaguestopped
– TheAhobaafestival wasinstituted to commemorate him and that great sacrifice

(ii) Okomfo Anokye,
– Was born in the late 1600s in Awukugwa, Akwapim
– His fatherwas calledKaku Ackah.
– Hewas named after his paternal uncle, EgyaAno
– Hewasa fetish priest, herbalist, advisor and lawgiver in theAsante kingdom duringthereign of Osei TutuI
– Together with Osei TutuI, heis a co-founder oftheAsante kingdom.
– It is believed thathewas born with an amulet in his hands. Otheraccounts also sayhewas born wearing awaistband ofcowryshells.
– Heis believed to havehad amazingmagical powers, such as plantingatreeforit to growto maturityin just one week
– He assisted the Asantekingto win manybattles againstthe Denkyiras and
– Hewas madea chief ofAsante AgonabyOsei TutuI
– Heplanted three cuttingsof theKum treeat Kwaman, Kumawu and Juabin, but onlythe oneat Kwamangerminated
– Hethereforeadvised thatthe capital town ofAsante kingdom be located at
Kwaman whichwas laterrenamedas Kumasi
– He commanded down agolden stool from the skies, which hedeclaredas the soul ofthe Asante kingdom
– Heplaced asword in thegroundwhich no onehas been able to takeout to this
– Upon his advice, captives wereneither enslaved nor executed, but wereinstead resettled amongthe provinces.
– He cured several diseases of people
– Hebuilt manyshrines whereheperformed his religious duties
– Hehelped in theexpansion and strengtheningof theAsante kingdom

(iii) TogbeTsali
– Hewasapowerful traditional priest of theAnlo traditional area
– Hewasamember of theTsiame royal clan

– His ancestral backgroundcould be traced to Notsie in between Togoand
– Hewasahunter andafarmerbyprofession
– Hehad no children
– Hepossessed manymagical powers
– Heusedhis manypowers to cause KingAgorkoliand his elders to fallintoa deep sleep overnight
– Hehelped theAnlos to escapefrom KingAgorkoliof Notsie; thus bringing freedom to his people
– Heturned his people intoseveral mice
– Heturned thefootprints of his people backwardsso as to prevent their enemies from attackingthem
– His people always looked up to him for assistance and direction
– Heunited his people as onegroup
– Hephysicallyprovided food and meat fortheneedy
– Hesacrificed his comforts forthe sakeof his people
– He could cause rain to fallon onlyhis farm
– Hesacrificed his comforts forthe sakeof his people
– Hebuilt manyshrines wherehis peopleconsultedhimforassistance
– Beforehis death, he removed his upper and lowerjaws andinstructed his people to usethem as foundation stones to build two separate fetish houses (shrines)to his memory
– Hewaschopped into pieces andthrown into ariver, but was later found loiteringaroundthe river
– A festival, Hogbetsotso, is celebrated in his honour
– Heis now considered agod who is invoked and worshipped.

(b) Lessonslearnt fromthelives oftheabovepersonalities
Egya(Osofo) Ahor / Okomfo Anokye/ TogbeTsali
(i) Love
(ii) Selflessness
(iii) Spiritual strength
(iv) Sacrifice (v) Patriotism (vi) Commitment
(vii) Bravery/ courage
(viii) Kindness
(ix) Commitment
(x) Hardwork
(xi) Peacemaking

4. (a) Factors to beconsidered beforegreeting someone.
(i) Theplace/ location
(ii) Theoccasion

(iii) Thetime
(iv) Theageof theperson
(v) Thesexofthe person (whethermaleor female) (vi) Thepersonalrelationship
(vii) Theperson‟sage
(viii) Theperson‟soccupation / profession
(ix) Theperson‟sposition
(x) Theperson‟srole

(b) Reasons why it is important to greet someone.
(i) It shows respect to others
(ii) It shows one‟srecognition and adherenceto customs /cultures
(iii) It creates afriendlyatmosphere
(iv) It helps to starta conversation
(v) It enables oneto feel welcome and atease
(vi) It is a sign of proper upbringing
(vii) It promotes peace, love and harmony
(viii) It helps to lower relational tension amongpeople
(ix) It helps to resolve conflicts

5. (a) Classroomrules
(i) Raiseyour hand andwaitto be called to answer orask a question
(ii) Leaveyour bags in thebagstoreroom
(iii) Payattention duringlessons
(iv) Takepart in allclassroom activities
(v) Respect the views of others
(vi) Submityourclassworkand homework books on time
(vii) Greet theteacher andyour classmates whenyou enterthe classroom
(viii) Ensurethatyour surroundingis always kept neat
(ix) Do not leavetheclassroom without permission
(x) Do not stand on the tables and chairs except bypermission
(xi) Do not litter the classroom
(xii) Do not makenoise in class
(xiii) Do not fight in class (or elsewhere) (xiv) Do not eat in class
(xv) Do not use abusivelanguage in class (or elsewhere)
(xvi) Do not sleep in class

(b) Reasons why rules andregulations areimportant
(i) Theyhelp to maintain order
(ii) Theyinstill disciplinein people
(iii) Theypromote peaceful coexistence (iv) Theycreatean atmosphereof security (v) Theyencourageresponsible behavior
(vi) Theyhelp to cultivatetolerancein people

(vii) Theymaketeachingandlearningeasier and moreeffective
(viii) Theyhelp to improvethestandard ofthat community (ix) Theyhelp to protect one‟s fundamental human rights (x) Theyhelp to protect lifeand property

6. (a) Reasons students give forabusing drugs?
(i) Drugs enable them to stayawaketo study
(ii) Drugs make them haveasharperretentive memoryandremember whatever they study
(iii) Drugs were created byGod for theuse of man, thereforeman must makeuseof it. (iv) Drugs makethem stronger and morehandsome/beautiful
(v) Drugs makethem not tofeel hungryoften
(vi) Drugs givethem agoodappetite to eat more.
(vii) Drugs makethem more confident and courageous
(viii) Drugs serveas a sign of identityor belongingnessto their peergroup

(b) Defensive skills againstsubstanceabuse.
(i) Avoidingthe companyof people whoareknown to besubstanceabusers
(ii) Joining groups that encouragegood morals and values
(iii) Avoidingself-medication (takingdrugs onlyif prescribed byahealth worker) (iv) Stayingfocused on one‟sstudies / education
(v) Seeking appropriate counselingwhen confusedortempted
(vi) Familiarizingoneself with thedangers involved insubstance abuse
(vii) Followingthe teachingsofone‟sreligion

7. (a) Types ofworkcarried out in your community.
(i) School or AcademicWork
(ii) Domesticwork / household work
(iii) Communal Work (iv) Occupational Work (v) VoluntaryWork

(b) Advantages of workinghard

(xi) It brings honourand respect to oneself
(xii) It build up our selfesteem/confidence
(xiii) It keeps us (spirit, soul and body) healthyand active (xiv) It increases andsharpensour knowledgeand skills (xv) It makes as successful
(xvi) It can bringus riches / wealth
(xvii) It promotes the development ofthe societyandcommunity
(xviii)It creates asenseof fulfillment, satisfaction and joyin us.
(xix) It makes us spirituallyblessed, as weobeyGod‟sword to work hard
(xx) It can open up several goodopportunities forus

8. (a) The two main family systems inGhana

Thenuclearfamily system
– This familysystem comprises the father, motherand children.
– Thehead of the familyisthe father
– The assistant head of thefamilyis themother
– The father is responsibleforthe provision of essential needs of thefamily
– Thesizeis relativelysmall

The extended family system
– It comprises of various nuclearfamilies
– Manygenerations (great grandparents,grandparents, parents, children,grandchildren, greatgrandchildren) ofthe familylivetogether asone
– Several relations (uncles,aunties, nephews, nieces, cousins, etc) livetogether as one unit
– Each member has aresponsibilitytowards other members of thefamily
– Thesystem is led bythefamilyhead (Abusuapanyin)

(b) Adva
(i) ntages ofbelonging to anuclearfamily
Easyand quick communication amongfamilymembers
(ii) Quick decision-taking
(iii) Less moneyneeded to cater forthefamily
(iv) Stronger bond of unity/oneness within family
(v) Close supervision of children byparents
(vi) Limited interferencefrom external familymembers
(vii) Easier/ faster conflictresolution due to closeness of members
(viii) Less pressureon familyresources
(ix) Greater independence, and hence,abilityto concentrate on their work or studies.

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