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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2011 (RME)

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Answeronequestion only from this section

1. (a) (b) Narrate Jesus‟teachingon salt andlight in the Sermon on theMount.

What threelessons couldbelearnt from the useofsalt and light?



Identifythe five dailyprayers offered byMuslims.

State four reasons whyprayer is important totheMuslim.

(a) (b)

Mention four causes of death.

Give four reasons whydeath rites areperformed.


Answeronequestion only from this section

4. (a) Listanyfour types of punishment.

State four reasons whypupils arepunished inyour school.

5. (a) (b) Mention fourgood deedsthat merita reward. Identifyfoureffects of rewards.

6. (a) Mention four forms ofgreetings inyourcommunity.

State four moral benefits that can bederived from greeting.


Answeronequestion only from this section

7. (a) Describethenuclear familysystem.

(b) Mention three advantages andthreedisadvantagesof thenuclear familysystem.

8. (a) What is leisure?

(b) Give five reasons whyleisureis important to people. CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2



1. (a) Jesus’ teaching onsalt andlight in theSermononthe Mount.
Jesus taught that
– his followers arethe saltof the earth
– Ifsalt loses its taste, itcannot regain it
– It thereforehas to bethrown awayand trampled upon bypeople
– Also, his followers arethelight of the world
– A cityonahill is not hidden (everyonesees it)
– Again, a burningcandle is not put underavessel (container)but ratheronacandlestick
(stand), so that people inthe house can benefit from thelight
– His followers should also let their light shine formen to see, so that othersmayseetheir good works, andgivegloryto theFather in heaven (God)

(b) Lessonsthat could belearnt fromthe use ofsalt
– Salt give foodgreaterworth / value-The followers ofChristmustalso live worthy lives
– Ifsalt loses its taste, it is thrownaway anddestroyed– Hence, Jesus‟followers should not compromisetheirstandards otherwise no onewould regard them anymore and they will become useless.
– Salt gives fooda goodtasteforgreaterenjoyment. -his followers mustlivegood and useful lives forothers tobenefit and enjoybeing aroundthem
– Salt preserves food(prevents foodfromgoing bad)–In the same way, his followers must help preservetheirsociety– ie,encouragegood works and prevent /discourage wickedness /evil. This can bedonebest bysetting good examples first and then, teaching others to follow.

Lessonsthat could belearnt fromthe use oflight
– Light represents leadership– his followers mustact asgood leaders in their communities
– Light makes people seeclearly– his follower must makepeople understand and know what to do in order to pleaseGod
– Light is not hidden– his followers must not hidetheirGod-given abilities/ gifts. They
mustuse them forthe benefit of mankind.
– Light drives awaydarkness– his followers must help resist /stop evildeeds in the society.
– Light shows the way– his followers must also teach others to follow Christ.

2. (a) Thefivedaily prayers offered by Muslims.
(i) Fajr (at dawn)
(ii) Zuhr (at noon)
(iii) Asr (after noon)
(iv) Maghrib (at sunset)
(v) Isha (evening)

(b) Reasons why prayeris important to theMuslim.
(i) It shows his/ herobedience and submission to God
(ii) It enables him/ herto thank and praise Godforhisgoodness (iii) It enables him/ herto confess sins and ask forforgiveness (iv) It enables him/ herto seek God‟sprotection andguidance
(v) It enables him/ hertoguard againstsin and wrongdoing (vi) It helps him /her to stayfaithful and committed to God (vii) It enables him/ herto askforhis/her needs
(viii) It enables him/ herto purifyhim/herself
(ix) It strengthens his / her relationship with God. (x) It enables him/ hertogrow spiritually

3. (a) Causes ofdeath.
(i) Disease/ sickness /infection
(ii) Motor accidents
(iii) Domestic accidents (eg, fallingoffabuilding, slippingandfalling,etc)
(iv) Industrialaccidents (gettingstruck byafallingobject, killingbyheavyequipment, etc)
(v) Abortion
(vi) Murder
(vii) Natural causes (Oldage) (viii) Suicide
(ix) Food poisoning
(x) Natural disasters,egfloods,earthquake, volcaniceruptions, etc
(xi) Execution (death sentence) (xii) Starvation

(b) Reasons why deathrites areperformed.
(i) To paylast respects /honour and sayfarewellto thedead
(ii) To separatethe dead from this world andinitiatethem into the spirit world /the world ofthe dead
(iii) To encouragepeopleto leadgood lives whileon earth
(iv) To assist thedead tobepromoted to the level of ancestors
(v) To exhibit the culture/customs of thepeople
(vi) To strengthen the bond of unityamongfamilymembers, friends,colleagues andother sympathizers
(vii) To collect donations to help thedependants /familyof thedead
(viii) It creates an opportunityfordistant relations to come back / visithome
(ix) It promotes thecleaning and tidyingup ofhomesand communities
(x) It helps thefamily,friends andloved ones to copewith thedeath of theirbeloved

(xi) It creates an opportunityforpotential marriage couples to identifythemselves

4. (a) Types ofpunishment.
(i) Suspension
(ii) Caution / query/ warningletters
(iii) Fines
(iv) Dismissal
(v) Isolation / segregation (vi) Scolding/ rebuking (vii) Jailing/ imprisonment (viii) Corporal punishment
(ix) Extrawork (sweeping, mopping, scrubbing,etc) (x) Capital punishment

(b) Reasons why pupils arepunishedinyourschool.
(i) For correction
(ii) As adeterrent
(iii) To maintain order and discipline
(iv) Forreformation/ changing
(v) Forprotection (vi) Forretribution (vii) Forvindication

5. (a) Good deeds thatmerita reward.
(i) Greetingand showing respect to everyoneonemeets. (ii) Goingto school / workearly/ punctually
(iii) Goingto school regularly
(iv) Doingone‟shomework properly
(v) Doingone‟sschool chores diligentlyand faithfully
(vi) Dressingneatlyand decently
(vii) Excellingin one‟stest orexamination
(viii) Assisting/ helpingfriends with theirschool workwhenever theyneed help. (ix) Reportingpeoplewho dobad deeds to the appropriate authority
(x) Doingone‟shouse chores diligentlyand faithfully
(xi) Obeyinginstructions from elderlypeople
(xii) Surrenderingone‟sseat in abus or at agatheringfor an elderlyperson
(xiii) Disposingof litterin a proper way
(xiv) Keepingour bodiesand surroundingscleanand tidyatalltimes
(xv) Usingwater andelectricitywisely.

(b) Effects ofrewards.
(i) It makes the recipient feel appreciated / recognized
(ii) It encourages the recipient to do moreof whatever good deed brought the reward. (iii) It brings honour to therecipient and his well-wishers

(iv) It motivates others to work harder / do better in order forthem to also receive awards

(v) It can lead tocomplacency/ arrogancein therecipient. (vi) It can lead tocorruption in the system
(vii) It cangenerate evilfeelings / intentions, such asenvy/ jealousyagainsttherecipient
(viii) It can cause others to ridicule (laugh at) the recipient if the reward is not appropriate /

6. (a) Forms ofgreetingsinyour community.
(i) Verbal expression
(ii) Bowing (iii) Waving (iv) Saluting
(v) Handshake
(vi) Hugging
(vii) Doff ingofhat
(viii) Loweringof cloth (formen)
(ix) Prostrating(layingon thegroundwith facedownwards)
(x) Specialized greetings amongmembers ofaparticulargroup (work, church,school, etc)
(xi) Specialized greetingwithin aparticular profession

(b) Mora
(i) l benefits that can bederived fromgreeting.
It shows respect to others
(ii) It shows one‟srecognition and adherenceto customs /cultures
(iii) It creates afriendlyatmosphere
(iv) It helps to starta conversation
(v) It enables oneto feel welcome and atease
(vi) It is a sign of proper upbringing
(vii) It promotes peace, love and harmony
(viii) It helps to lower relational tension amongpeople
(ix) It helps to resolve conflicts

7. (a) Thenuclearfamily system.
– This familysystem comprises the father, motherand children.
– Thehead of the familyisthe father
– The assistant head of thefamilyis themother
– The father is responsibleforthe provision of essential needs of thefamily
– Thesizeis relativelysmall

(b) Adva ntages ofthenuclearfamily system.
(i) (ii) (iii) Easyand quick communication amongfamilymembers
Quick decision-taking
Less moneyneeded to cater forthefamily

(iv) Stronger bond of unity/oneness within family
(v) Close supervision of children byparents
(vi) Limited interferencefrom external familymembers
(vii) Easier/ faster conflictresolution due to closeness of members
(viii) Less pressureon familyresources
(ix) Greater independence, and hence,abilityto concentrate on their work or studies.

Disadvantages ofthenuclearfamily system
(i) The absenceof parents can easilycause financialdifficultyfor the children
(ii) Members maynotgain enough experience andwisdom from elders in theextended family.
(iii) Children maynot beableto learn their nativelanguageproperly.
(iv) Children can easilygo wayward (get spoilt), especiallyif parents areabsent forlong periods.
(v) Members areeasilyoverpowered byenemies of the family, because theyarefew
(vi) Members arenot abletoproperlylearn / applytheculture/ customs of their native background
(vii) Ifparents areirresponsible, the children mayhaveno oneto depend on forguidance, assistance and security.
(viii) Members canbelikestrangers in theirown extended families dueto littleor nosocial interaction
(ix) Fewer opportunities forprogress in life, dueto lack of help from other members in the
extended family

8. (a) Leisure
A period ofbreak from normal work / activity
A freetime, dueto completion or cessation from usual duties
Freedom from thedemands of work or duty
A timeof breakfrom routineduties

(b) Reasons why leisureis important to people.
(i) It enables oneto refresh themind and thebody (ii) It enables oneto regain strengthand vitality (iii) Itgives the opportunityto rest
(iv) It provides the chancetoengagein hobbies / otheractivities ofinterest
(v) It creates theopportunityto socializewith others
(vi) It helps oneto develop his/ hertalents inother areas
(vii) It enables onetogain moreknowledgeand experience
(viii) Itgives the opportunityto participate in social /communal activities
(ix) It helps oneto maintain good health

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