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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2012 (RME)


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Answeronequestion only from this section

1. (a)

(b) Narrate theparable of thesower

Howis theparableof thesower interpreted?

Statetwo moral lessons that can belearnt from the parableof thesower.



Listfive traditional festivals in Ghana

Explainfive reasons whyfestivals arecelebrated



Describehow Muslim prayer (Salat) is performed

Statethreebenefits of ablution


Answeronequestion only from this section

4. (a) (b) Inwhatfive ways can onelead achaste life? Statefive benefits of leadingachaste life

5. (a) (b) Listfour symptoms of AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome (AIDS) Statefour effects of AIDSon the community

(c) Explainfour ways bywhich AIDS can beprevented

6. (a) Statefour effects of teenagepregnancy

Outlinefour roles that theyouthcan playto prevent teenagepregnancies.


Answer onequestion only from this section

7. (a) (b) Statefour physical changes that occurduringpuberty

Whatfour moral problems confront the adolescent?

8. (a) (b)

Describefour activitiesof anyreligiousyouthorganization

Identifyfour benefits ofjoininga religiousyouthorganization CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2




1. (a) TheParable ofthesower
A sower went outto sow seeds. As hesowed, someof theseeds fellbythewayside, and it
was trampled upon, and thebirdsofthe airate it.

Some other seeds fellupon a rock, andas soon asitgerminated, it witheredaway; because it lacked moisturesincethereroots werenot deep enough in theground.

Other seedsfellamongthorns, and as the seedsgerminated andgrew, thethorns choked them

Others fellongoodground / fertile soil, grew up,and borefruits in hundredfold, sixtyfold and thirtyfold

Interpretation oftheparable
 Theseed is theWord ofGod
 Thesowerrepresents preachers of theWord of God
 Theseeds that fellbythewayside that wereeaten bythe birdsrepresent thedevilstealing
awaythe Word of Godfrom thosewho hear theword of God and don‟tunderstand it.
 Theseeds that fellon rocks represent thosethat receive theword ofGod with joy, believe it forawhile butgive upor fallawaywhen theyfacetribulation, persecution or temptation.
 Theseeds that fellamongthorns represent thosewho hear theword ofGod, but are choked bythe cares of this world, riches andpleasures of life.
 Theseeds that fellon good groundrepresent thosewho hear theword of God with a good
heart, keep itand applyitin their lives

(c) Moral lessons that can belearnt

i. Wemustbedoers oftheWord of God and not hearers only
(ie, wemustapplythe Word of God to our lives afterwehaveheard it)

ii. Wemustobeyour parents, teachers and elders andfollow their guidance.

iii. Whatever wearetaught in school or at home, wemustensurethat weunderstand it verywell, in order to applyitproperly.

iv. Wemustpracticallyapplytheeducation we aregiven in school and at home.

v. Wemustnot allow the enjoyable things of this world (such parties,gossips, TV, internet browsing, chatting,games) to draw us awayfrom God / our parents / teachers.

vi. Wemustnotyield to ridicule (beinglaughed at) or persecution from others vii. Wemustbesteadfast andstrongin our faith.
viii. Wemustnotallow riches orhardshipsto deceiveus to commitsin ix. Wemustpersevere and not give up in the faceofdifficulties
x. Wemustnot allow our friends or our enemies tomakeus commitevil

2. (a) Traditionalfestivals inGhana
– Homowo
– Fetu Afahye
– Foo
– Kundum
– Odwira
– Aboakyir
– Hogbetsotso
– Bakatue
– Ohum
– Bugum
– Asafotufiam
– Adaekese
– Fofie Yam
– Kobine
– Akwambo
– Kloyosikplem
– Damba

(b) Reasonswhy festivalsare celebrated

(i) NEWYEAR-Festivalsare celebrated tomarkthebeginningofanewyear

(ii) THANKSGIVINGANDPRAYER– To thank theSupremeBeing, lesser godsand ancestorsfor asuccessful past year and prayfor their blessingsin thecomingyear.

(iii) PURIFICATION – To purifythe ancestral stools, thepeopleand theland.

(iv) REMEMBRANCE– To rememberandcelebratethelivesand worksofpast leaders
(both religiousand traditional)and rulers

(v) PASTDELIVERANCE– To commemoratepast victoriesover hunger, oppression, disease,etc.

(vi) HOMAGE/ HONOUR–To payhomageto (or honour) thechiefand renewloyaltyto the chiefbysub-chiefsand subjects:

(vii) FAMILYREUNION– To bring variousfamilymemberstogether andrenew relationshipsafter longperiodsofseparation

(viii) CONFLICT RESOLUTION– To settlefamily/ communal conflictsand litigationsand chartanewcoursefor futurerelationship:

(ix) DEVELOPMENT– To plan andimplement developmental projects

(x) FUND-RAISING – To raisefundsto supportvarious socio-economicprogrammes.

(xi) TOURISM – To attract touristsintothecommunity.Tourism helpstosupportthe artsand craftsindustryand raiseforeign exchangefor the country

(xii) CULTURALPRESERVATION– To preservetheindigenousculture/ traditionsand thereforeprevent it fromdyingout.

3. (a) HowMuslimprayer (Salat)is performed

The ablution (wuzu)mustbeperformed beforeeverysalat
Theprayer sessioncomprises a numberof movements / positions.
Each movement is always preceded bythe phrase„AllahuAkbar‟(God isGreat).
This indicates to followers ofthe prayer that theleader isabout to makethenext movement.

Takbir (Starting position)
Muslimsfacetowards theQibla in Mecca and makethe intention to pray.To begin theact of prayer, theysay’Allahu Akbar’ meaning God is great, raisingthe hands to theearsor shoulder.

Qiyaam (Standingposition)
Muslims placetheir righthand over their lefton their chest or navel whilein the standing position
A short supplication glorifyingGodand seeking His protection is read.

Qiraat (Recitation fromQuran)
Muslims recite Surah Al Fatiha, which is thefirst chapterin theQur’an. Verses from anyanother chapterarethen recited.

Ruku (Bowingposition)
TheMuslimbows down, puttingthe hands on theknees andsays’glorybeto God, theMostGreat’, threetimes.

Qiyaam (Standingposition)
Whilemovinginto the upright position, Muslimsrecite’God listens to theonewho praisesHim’ and while in the standingposition, ‘To God belongs allpraise’then is recited.’God is Great’is recited again. Handsarelooselyat thesides this time.

Sujud (Prostrating position)
Sujud means to prostrate.Whilein theprostration position ‘Glorybeto God, the Most High’is repeated threetimes. Palms, knees, toes, foreheadand nosemustbethe onlybodyparts touchingthe ground.

Qa’da-i-Akhira (Sitting position)

‘God is Great’is recitedwhile movingto thesittingposition. Muslims pausehere forafew seconds, either stayingsilent, or recitingashorter prayer.’God is Great’is recited oncemore as the sujud position is taken again.

Sujud (Prostrating position)
This sujud is the same as the first one.
Afterreciting ‘Glorybeto God, theMostHigh’, one’raka’ah’, or unitis complete.

AftersayingGod is Great, Muslims return to thesittingposition. Theyreciteaset number of short prayers in Arabic, praisingGod,and sendingpeaceon the Prophet. Theyrepeat thedeclaration of faith, raisingthe forefinger oftheirright hand, in order to act as awitness.

Theythen ask God to bestow blessings andpeaceupon Prophet Abrahamand his family, andask for the same forProphet Muhammad. Finally, Muslims ask for forgiveness and mercy, andask God to bless them and their children until theDayof Judgement.

Peaceto the right
To end the prayer, Muslims first turn their faceto the right saying ‘Peacebeuponyou, and themercy and blessings ofAllah.’
(This is said to theAngels who Muslims believeaccompany each human being to record their

Peaceto theleft
‘Peacebeuponyou, and themercyand blessings of Allah’is repeated turningto theleft sidenow. (Muslims believetheAngel on theright siderecords all good actions and thoughts, while theoneon the leftrecords all bad actions.)

(b) Benefits ofablution(wuzu)
(i) It prepares the mind for prayer(salat)
(ii) It ensures purityof thebody– bythe washingwith water
(iii) It helps thebloodcirculatorysystem to function properly–bythe massageofthe bodyin theprocess
(iv) It helps with normal breathing– bythe cleaningof thenostrils
(v) It helps with correct functioningof thecentral nervous system– through the stimulation ofthe blood flow bymassaging.
(vi) It helps to prevent skin infections– bythe washing awayofgerms from thebody
(vii) It helps to prevent earlyagingor theformation ofwrinkles– bymaintainingthe electrostatic balanceof thebodythrough the application ofwater.

4. (a) Ways inwhich one canlead a chastelife
(i) Avoidingbadcompany,who could influenceoneto engagein sexual immorality
(ii) Stayingawayfrom pornographic movies, books, etc
(iii) Spendingones leisuretimeengagingin profitable activities
(iv) Dressingdecentlyat all times, in order not to sexuallyattract theopposite sex. (v) Not escortingmembers of theopposite sexto secluded ordark places

(vi) Sayingastrong „no‟to premarital sex
(vii) Exercisingthe bodyregularly
(viii) Avoid usingstimulants such as alcohol, tobacco,marijuana, etc,which can impair
(ix) Avoidingallforms of physical intimacysuch as hugging, kissing,fondling, etc
(x) Seeking counsel from responsible parents, teachers and elders when onefaces temptations to commitsexual immorality

(b) Benefits ofleading a chaste life

(i)Honour to adolescent’s family
An adolescentwho stayschaste brings honour to both him/herself and the family, sinceit
would mean that the familytrained him/her and brought him/her up properly.

(ii) Highsocial reputation(howsociety seesone)
Chastityis a virtuethat societystronglyupholds.Thosewho staychaste aretherefore
held in high esteem. Everyonerespects an adolescent who is chaste.

(iii) Highselfesteem/ confidence (howonesees himself/herself)
A chaste adolescent hasahigh level of self esteem/ confidence, knowingverywellthat
others respect him/her dueto his/ her chastity.

(iv)Peaceofmind(soundmind) to focus oneducation.
A chaste adolescent does not haveto bother aboutthe things that maybother his/her
unchaste friends. Thereareno worries byhim/ her/ the familyconcerning whethershe maybepregnant, mayhave acquired asexuallytransmitted disease, or evenwhat others think ofhim/ her. He/ she enjoysasound mind in these regards and thereforecanfocus better on his/her education.

(v)Smooth progress ofeducationofadolescent
Unlike unchaste adolescents who mayhaveto suspend or even stop their education
entirelydueto problemsrelated to pregnancy/ STDs / social stigma, the chaste adolescent enjoysasmooth progress in his/her education. He/ she does nothaveto stop school due to pregnancy,or STDs orstigma ofbeingunchaste.

(vi)Prevention of Sexually TransmittedDiseases (STDs)
SexuallyTransmitted Diseases (STDs)can begottenif onlyonehas hadanyform of
sexual contact. Forthatmatter, itis practicallyimpossible fora chasteadolescent to be infected with an STD (except he/ sheobtained itthrough other means,which havevery low probabilities)

(vii) Avoidanceofteenagepregnancy andrelated problems
A femalecanget pregnant in the natural wayonlybyhavingsexual intercourse. A chaste
adolescent thereforeavoids teenagepregnancyand its related problems aslongas she stays so.

(viii) Greater trust andrespect fromspouseinmarriage
An adolescentwho stayschaste till marriageearnsthe trust and respect of his/her spouse
in marriage. Thethinking is that if he/ she stayed chaste allthe while, then chances are that he/ she would continue to remain faithful inmarriage.

(ix)Higher chanceofattracting responsible partnerformarriage
Mostresponsible peoplewould want to marrypeople who havemaintainedtheir chastity.
A chaste adolescent thereforehasahigherprospect as regardsattractinga responsible

partner. (A widelyheld belief is that, wereap what wesow.If that is true, then, chaste people aremostlikelytomarryequallychaste partners)

5. (a) Symptoms ofAcquiredImmuneDeficiency Syndrome(AIDS)
 Fever
 Coughing
 Shortness of breath
 Extreme fatigue/ lack ofenergy
 Weight loss
 Severeand persistent diarrhoea
 Severeheadaches
 Coma
 Forgetfulness

(b) Effects ofAIDSonthe community
 HumanResourceDepletion– Aids causes areduction in theworkforceinthe community
 SocialDiscrimination–Aids patient areusuallysubjected to severeprejudice and discrimination, which tend to hamper their normalsocial activities
 BrokenHomes– Dueignoranceabout thedisease and its consequences, AIDS infection ofa familymembercan lead to isolation and evenseparation
 Lowerproductivity– Theincidenceof AIDS lowers theproductivityof theworking class and thereforenegativelyaffects theeconomy
 FearandPanic– Peoplewithin the communitybecome moreand morefearful of also
gettinginfected throughsomemeans and dying
 DamagedRelationships– People who used to haveagood relationship begin to draw back dueto suspicion orshameor ridicule
 Slow development– Thedevelopment within thecommunityslows down

(c) Ways by whichAIDScan beprevented
(i) Abstainingfromcasual/ premarital sex– Peoplewho arenotyet married must abstain from all forms ofsexual contact with others. This makes italmost impossible foronetoget infected with theHIV, sincethe infection is mostlyspread through sexual contact.

(ii) Being faithful to ones’ partner – Marriedcouples must havesexual intimacyonly with each other.In the casewhereonepartner is alreadyinfected, then theymust always use acondom in order togreatlyreducethe risk of infectingthe other partner.

(iii) Using a condomwhen havingsexwith an infected person. For people whoindulgein pre-marital / casual / extra-marital sex, itis advisableto usea condom in order to reducethe risk ofgetting infected.

(iv) Disinfection andsterilizationoftools and equipment that areusedon or in thebody.
This must be doneto killanybacteria and viruses that maybepresent, and hence prevent infection.

(v) Avoiding thesharing of unsterilizedcuttingorpiercingobjects, suchas syringes, needles blades

(vi) Using antiretroviral drugsto help prevent HIVtransmission from pregnant HIV- positivemother to unborn child. Thedrughelps to stop the multiplicationand spread ofthe HIV, thereforereducingtherisk ofthe expectant mother infectingtheunborn child.

(vii) Intensifying public educationon prevention andcontrol of AIDS.

6. (a) Effects ofteenagepregnancy
(i) Medical Complications– dueto the fact thatateenagegirl‟sbodyis usuallynot
matured enough to safelycarryababy
(ii) Shameand disgraceonboth teenagemotherandfamily– sinceteenagepregnancyis considered unacceptablein most societies and cultures.
(iii) Worries about thefuture – regardinghow to cater forherselfand herchild, since
she is most likelyunemployed;and especiallywhen the fatherof the child has either refusedresponsibilityoris unableto help
(iv) Delayed Education– because shemayhaveto suspendher education ordrop out of school forawhile in order to deliverand nursethebabyforsometime.
(v) Depression– duethe intensemental stress she maybegoingthrough as aresultof the
(vi) Financial difficulties– in the casewhereshe haslittle orno support from her parents orthe father ofthechild. Shemayhaveto usethe littlemoneyshe mayhaveto care forthe baby.
(vii) Baby health– Thebaby‟shealth maybepooras aresultof theinadequatecareit mayreceive.
(viii) Reduced parentalcare– forthe babyas a resultof theteenagemother‟sseveral
challenges, includingfinancial, mental, physical,educational, etc
(ix) Increased burdenonsociety – if thechild dueto inadequatecare, ends upin the
social welfarechildren‟shome orbecomesastreet child.

(b) Roles that the youthcan play to prevent teenagepregnancies.
(i) Seekingof reproductivehealth education, especially, teenagepregnancycauses, effects andprevention
(ii) Abstinence from pre-marital sex.
(iii) Concentratingon theirstudies oroccupation
(iv) Teenagers‟avoidanceofbad / immoral friends
(v) Participatingin beneficial social activities such ascommunal labour,sportsand games.
(vi) Usingcontraceptives, such as the male/ female condom, thepill, etc, in casetheyouth
is alreadysexuallyactive(stronglynot recommended )


Answeronequestion only from this section

7. (a) Physical changes that occurduring puberty
 Commencement of menstruation and ovulation
 Enlargement ofbreasts
 Broadeningof hips
 Thinningof waistline
 Growth ofpubic hair

• Broadeningof chest
• Deepeningofvoice
• Enlargingof male organ
• Growth ofpubic hair
• Growth spurts

(b) Mora l problemsthat confront the adolescent
• Indecent dressingtendency
• Alcohol and druginvolvement
• Sexual tendencies/ activities
• Honesty–Loyaltydilemma (Whetherto truthfullyreport acaseinvolving a friend or to remain silent in solidaritywith that friend)
• Becomingmore easilyirritated
• Tendencyof becoming moredisrespectful (seemingly)
• Becomingmoresuspicious of theintentions of others

8. (a) Activities ofmost Religious youth organizations
(i) Scripturestudy sessionsthat help to developReligiouscharacterin themembers.
This is donebytakingportions of the Scriptures, especiallytheparables and other stories, studyingthem and beingtested onwhat theyhavelearnt from the study.
(ii) Prayersessionsthat promotes spiritual growth inthe members. This is doneby prayingonaparticular topic at time. Theprayersmaybe either silent oraloud, individuallyor alltogether.
(iii) Evangelisticprogrammesto help spread the messageof theirrespectivereligions.
Theytake religioustracts, move into the community, sharethe tracts and also testify about thegoodness oftheir religion. This is doneto encourageothers tojoin them.

(iv) Teaching sessions, wheremembers aretaught religiousvalues,attitudes, principles and morals that would help them to beuseful members of thesocietyin future.
(v) Talent development programmes,wheremembers are given theopportunityto develop their talents in other areas suchas playing musical instruments, drawing, singing, dancing, etc.
(vi) Sports, games andathleticscompetitions to promoteunity, cooperation,tolerance, endurance and physical fitness. This isdonebyputtingmembers into sections / groupsand makingthemcompete amongthemselves.
(vii) Workshops andseminarsto train their membersin certain skills andvocations. This could be organized on anintensive ornon-intensive basis.
(viii) Youth CampMeetings,wherethe membersget theopportunityof staying together at aplace, usuallyquitefarfrom home, foranumberof days. At thecamp meeting,
thereis moretime to do allthe activities theyhavebeen doingon aregularand
intensive basis.
(ix) Leadershiprolesareassigned to certain members, which help to givethemthe necessaryexposure andexperienceto becomeeffectiveleaders in future.
(x) Sight-seeing / excursions. Members maybeallowed to bringalongboth indoor and
outdoor games as wellas other items ofinterest. This is done from time to time to allow themembers to relax, have fun, haveadventure and havethe opportunityof visitingotherplaces of interest.

(b) Benefits ofjoining a religious youthorganization
(i) Members become moreknowledgeable in the scriptures
(ii) Members develop goodreligious values,attitudes andmorals
(iii) Membersgrowspiritually
(iv) Members receive spiritual blessings, inner joyandsatisfaction
(v) Membersget the chanceofdevelopingtheir talents andpotentials
(vi) Membersget to makelots of friends
(vii) Members learn to socialize, cooperatewith others, tolerate othersand become good team players
(viii) Members become physicallyfitand strong
(ix) Members learn vocationsand practical skills that theycan useto makesomemoneyin future
(x) Membersget theopportunityto visittouristsites and places of interest
(xi) Members learn to develop leadership qualities.

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