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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2013 (RME)


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1. (a) Outlinetwo uses each ofthe followingthings created byGod:
(i) rivers [4 marks] (ii) sun [4 marks] (iii) plants [4 marks]

(b) Statefour ways bywhich God‟screation can beprotected [8 marks]

2. (a) Outlinefive contributions of Caliph Abu Bakr toIslam [15 marks]

(b) Statetwo lessons that can belearnt from the lifeof Caliph Abu Bakr
[5 marks]

3. (a) Identifyfive occasionsatwhich libation is offered [10 marks]

Inwhatfour ways islibation important?
[10 marks]


Answeronequestion only from this section

4. (a) Identifyfour ways bywhich people showtheir commitment to God
[10 marks]

(b) Statefour reasons whycommitment to one‟sfamilyis necessary
[10 marks]

5. (a) Explain anyfour types of reward available to thosewho put up good behavior
[12 marks]

(b) Identifyanyfour acts which are considered to bebad deeds.
[8 marks]

6. (a) Highlight anyfive habits which constitute good manners [10 marks] (b) Explain anyfour benefits of showing good manners in the community
[10 marks]


Answeronequestion only from this section

7. (a) Listthe fourmain typesofwork [8 marks]

Explain anyfour advantages of workinghard
[12 marks]

8. (a) State anyfour reasons whyoneshould support religiousgroups with one‟smoney
[10 marks] (b) Inwhatfour ways can such monies be misused? [10 marks] CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2



9. Uses ofthefollowing things created by God: (i) rivers
• Means of Transportation
• SourceofWaterforDomesticPurposes
• Sourceof WaterforIndustrial Purposes
• SourceofFood (Fish / Protein)
• Generation ofHydroelectricPower–
• TouristAttraction Sites
• Irrigation ofFarmlands
• DrainageSystem to Prevent Flooding-
• Habitat forAquaticOrganisms–
• Sourceof Minerals
• Helps in Rain Formation

(ii) sun
• Provision of energyforplants to manufacturefood (photosynthesis)
• Generation of electricityusingsolarcells/ panels
• Dryingof clothes andother household/personal items
• Processing and preservation of foods
• Production ofsalt through evaporation
• Synthesis of vitamin D inour bodies
• Facilitation ofrain formation through evaporationofwaterfrom waterbodies
• Provision of light forseeing

(iii) plants
 Some plants provide rawmaterials forindustries
 Mostplants serve as foodfor animals(includingman)
 Plants produceoxygen,which is used forrespiration and other things.
 Several plants providewood for energy– firewood and charcoal
 Certainplantsareused for medicinal purposes
 Some plants areused foraestheticpurposes– to beautifyaplace.
 Leguminous plants help to maintain the fertilityofthe soil, byfixingatmospheric nitrogen.
 Certain plants check soilerosion bybeingused ascover crops orwind brakes
 Some plants serveas a habitat forotherlivingorganisms
 Trees providetimber forfurniture and buildings.

(b) Ways by whichGod’s creationcan beprotected
(i) Reforestation -plantingmoretrees to replaceones cut down
(ii) Afforestation– planting moretrees to create a forest
(iii) Recyclingof waste– Waste materials whicharenot biodegradable must berecycled. (iv) Legislation-Making andenforcinglaws to prevent human activities that cause
environmental degradation
(v) Settingup government agencies to control theactivities of miners andsand winners. (vi) Encouragingminers, farmers, fishermen,etc to use appropriatemethods
(vii) Public education on protection ofthe environment
(viii) Checking erosion byterracing, ridging, planting cover cropsand wind brakes
(ix) Ensuringproper disposalof sewage and industrialwaste

10. (a) ContributionsofCaliphAbuBakr to Islam
(i) HepresentedIslam to others in such awaythat manyof his friendsacceptedIslam
(ii) Out of compassion forslaves, hedeliberatelypurchased slaves and freed them. (iii) Hegavethe first public address invitingpeople toconvert toIslam
(iv) Together with the prophet Muhammed, heled theflight to Medina
(v) Hebought a land for theconstruction ofamosquein Medina
(vi) Hehelped to construct amosquein Medina
(vii) Hewas involved in several battles between Muslims and their enemies
(viii) Heled thedelegation in the first Hajjpilgrimageto Mecca
(ix) Hegavehis daughter, Aisha, in marriageto Prophet Muhammed
(x) Heled Muslims to conquer several territories, which led to the spread ofIslam
(xi) Hebrought unityamong Muslims byresolvingmanyconflicts
(xii) Heorganized the compilation ofthe holyQuran into one book

(b) Lessons that can belearnt fromthelifeofCaliphAbuBakr

(i) Compassion– wemustbe compassionate
(ii) Kindness–wemustbekind and willingto giveto others
(iii) Commitment – wemustshow commitment in everything wedo
(iv) Perseverance –wemustperseverein doing goodthings andnevergive up
(v) Goodstewardship– wemusttakegood careof whatever has beenentrusted to us and endeavourto improveupon it.
(vi) Humility – wemustbehumble, and not think of ourselves morehighlythan weshould

11. (a) Occasions at which libation is offered
(i) Pubertyritesceremonies (ii) Engagements ceremonies (iii) Marriageceremonies
(iv) Festivals
(v) Naming ceremonies
(vi) National events, such independenceday

(vii) Funerals
(viii)Enstoolment / destoolment of chiefs
(ix) Commissioningof important buildings, structures,places, etc
(x) National and local durbars.

(b) Ways inwhichlibationis important
(i) To offer thanksgivingand praises to theobjects ofworship (Supreme God,lesser gods, ancestors, etc)
(ii) To seek protection / securityfrom the deities
(iii) To request forblessings– favour,success, prosperity, riches, strength, etc
(iv) To confess theirevildeeds / wrongdoings andseek forgiveness
(v) It promotes unity, solidarityand harmonyamongthe members of thecommunity
(vi) It encourages spiritualgrowth andprogress
(vii) To strengthen the bond between theworshipper and the object of worship
(viii) To express theworshippers faith andconfidencein the deities (Supreme God, lesser gods, certain spirits)
(ix) To show reverence/ honour forthe deities / object of worship
(x) It shows dependenceon thedeities forwellbeing and life


12. (a) Ways by which people showtheir commitmentto God
(i) Attendingworship sessions (at church / mosque/ shrine) as often as onehasto
(ii) Prayingto God in thevarious waysas prescribed byone‟sreligion
(iii) Studying and obeyingtheScriptures or traditions of one‟sreligion
(iv) Givingoffering, tithes, sacrifices andother contributions to the church / mosque/
(v) Singing and dancingin praise / worship to God
(vi) Sharingthe principlesoftheirfaith with others inorder to encouragethemto join
(vii) Forgivingothers who offend them in anyway
(viii) Offeringvarious kinds ofhelp (financial /material/ social, etc) to those who need it
(ix) Repentingof their sins and livingan upright life
(x) Servingthechurch / mosque/ shrine byworkingin oneof their department

(b) Reasons why commitment to one’s family is necessary
(i) It strengthens thebond amongfamilymembers
(ii) It helps members to progress steadilyin life
(iii) Familymembers can behelped in times ofneed (iv) It boosts members‟ selfworth and confidence (v) It creates peace, loveandharmony
(vi) It makes the familyunited and strong

(vii) Itgives thefamilyagood reputation in society
(viii) It helps members to haveapeaceful mind in orderto work effectively
(ix) Familymembersget to learn and showgood moraland behavior.

13. (a) Types ofrewardavailable to those who put upgood behavior
(i) Bookawards– Books or other educational material, usuallygivenat schools‟Speech
and Prize-givingceremonies, especiallyto pupils for excellent academicperformance. (ii) Cash prizes– Amounts of moneygiven as areward fora commendable
(iii) Certificates–Formal documents, usuallyusingacard,given in recognition of the successful completion ofaparticular courseor examination.
(iv) Promotion– A raise (anelevation) of theclass /status / level/position ofsomeone after havingdonesatisfactorywork at theprevious stage.
(v) Verbalappreciation– Words spoken, either to theperson aloneor to thehearingof everyone, toacknowledgeagood / commendablework bythat person
(vi) Recommendation– An expression ofsupport / endorsement / approvalfor someone to another party.Itcould be either verbal or written
(vii) Scholarship– Financial help /an amountof moneyawarded to someoneto pursue furtherstudies
(viii) Goodtestimonial– A favourable report on thequalities andvirtues of someone
(ix) Citation– An official document orspeech that lauds someone, especiallydueto his/
her achievement.
(x) Praise– Words that express approval oradmiration forsomeoneorone‟swork.
(xi) Medals– asmall flat pieceof metal, usuallyshaped likea coin and stamped with an inscription or design,awarded to somebodyfor outstanding
(xii) Holiday – An exemptionperiod from regularor routinework
(xiii) Party – asocial gatheringto which people areinvited in order to enjoythemselves and often celebrate somethingor someone.
(xiv) A pleasurable experience, such as takingoneout fordinner,givingonean opportunityto travel forholidays, etc

(b) Acts which are consideredto bebad deeds.
(i) Abusingdrugs
(ii) Prostitution
(iii) Armed robbery
(iv) Havingpre-marital sex
(v) Tellinglies
(vi) Insultingothers
(vii) Showingdisrespect to / disregard for others
(viii) Beinglateto school / church / other engagements
(ix) Beingirregularat school / church
(x) Refusingto do one‟shomework ornot doingitproperly
(xi) Refusingto do one‟shouseor school work/chores
(xii) Dressingindecently/ inappropriately
(xiii) Performingbadlyin one‟stest or examination

(xv) Disobeyinginstructions from elderlypeople
(xvi) Refusingto surrender one‟sseat for an elderlyperson
(xvii) Indiscriminate litteringof the environment (xviii)Keepingour bodiesand surroundings dirty (xix) Wastingwaterand electricity

14. (a) Habit
(i) s whichconstitutegoodmanners
Greetingandrespecting others
(ii) Helpingtheelderlywiththeirload
(iii) Offeringone‟sseat to the elderly
(iv) Puttingone‟shands behind him/ herwhen speakingwith the elderly
(v) Usingpolite language, such as „please‟,„thankyou‟and „sorry‟when speakingto
(vi) Usingthe proper modesofgreeting, suchremovingone‟shat, usingthe right hand,
lowering one‟scloth / bowingbeforea chief, etc
(vii) Doingone‟sschool chores diligentlyand faithfully
(viii) Dressingmodestlyand decently
(ix) Avoidingallforms of social vices, suchas prostitution, drugabuse, armedrobbery,
(x) Exercisingself-control over one‟sdesires or temper
(xi) Assisting/ helpingfriends whenever theyneed help.
(xii) Doingone‟shouse chores diligentlyand faithfully
(xiii) Obeying good instructions from elderlypeople
(xiv) Disposingof litter in aproper way
(xv) Keepingour bodiesand surroundingscleanand tidyatalltimes

(b) Benefits ofshowing goodmanners inthe community
(i) It brings honourand respectto the personand his/ her family
(ii) It creates peaceand harmonyin the community
(iii) It makesonegain muchfavour and helpfrom various people. (iv) It makes iteasyforoneto makegood friends.
(v) It creates unityand asenseof togetherness in the community
(vi) It promotesrapid development of the community
(vii) Itgives the person ahighsocial reputation (how societysees one)
(viii)Theperson builds up a high selfesteem /confidence (how onesees him/herself) (ix) It brings peaceof mind (sound mind) to focus on education.
(x) Thereis a higher chanceof attractingresponsible partner for marriage
(xi) It creates asenseof satisfaction and joyin people
(xii) It brings spiritual blessings
(xiii)It can open up several good opportunities forthe person


Answeronequestion only from this section

15. (a) Thefourmaintypes ofwork
(i) School work– Work done atschool as part ofthecurriculum
(ii) Home chores– Work done at home/ in ourhouses as part ofourresponsibilities
(iii) Communal work– Work donein /forour communities as part of oursocial responsibilities
(iv) Occupational work – Work doneon aregularbasis, especiallyto earn income
(v) Humanitarian work– Work done forthegood ofhumankind

(b) Adva
(i) ntages of workinghard
It brings honourand respect to oneself
(ii) It builds up our self-esteem/confidence
(iii) It keeps us (spirit, soul and body) healthyand active
(iv) It increases andsharpensour knowledgeand skills
(v) It makes as successful
(vi) It can bringus riches / wealth
(vii) It promotes the development ofthe societyandcommunity
(viii) It creates asenseof fulfillment, satisfaction and joyin us.
(ix) It makes us spirituallyblessed, as weobeyGod‟sword to work hard
(x) It can open up several good opportunities forus

16. (a) Reasons why oneshouldsupport religious groupswith one’s money
(i) To obeyGod‟scommands
(ii) To attract theblessings of God
(iii) To express one‟scommitment to the religiousgroup
(iv) To help cater forthe needs of the church/mosque/shrine
(v) To help paythe salaries /allowances of the fulltime religious workers
(vi) To help to support the poor and needyin thegroup
(vii) To support thedevelopment andgrowth of thereligiousgroup (viii) To help promote the education and trainingof religious workers (ix) To help with the missionarywork of thegroup
(x) To help thegroup to payits bills or meet its financial obligations

(b) Ways inwhichsuchmonies can bemisused
(i) When the leaders spendmoston themoneyon themselves, rather than forthe purpose forwhich the monies weregiven
(ii) When monies arespent on things which arenot inthe church‟sbudget
(iii) When monies arespent on things considered unnecessary, simplybecause thereseem to be alotof moneyavailable to spend
(iv) When monies areused for briberyandcorruption
(v) When the monies meant forspecificpurposesare diverted into other areas
(vi) When thereis embezzlement of funds byan individual oragroupofpeople

(viii) Whenthefundskeeppilingwhileneedyandpoormemberskeep suffering
(ix) Wheninvoicesareoverstated
(x) Whenproperfinancialrecordsaren

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