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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2016 (SOCIAL STUDIES)


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This paper consists of three sections: I, II and III.
Answer three questions only, choosing one question from each section.
All questions carry equal marks

Answer one question only from this section

1. (a) (i) Describe the Solar System [4 marks] (ii) Name four planets in the Solar System [4 marks]

(b) Outline two effects of the rotation of the earth. [6 marks]

(c) Highlight two effects of the revolution of the earth. [6 marks]

2. (a) State four negative effects of rapid population growth on the development
of Ghana [4 marks]

(b) Highlight any four ways by which rapid population growth can be reduced
in Ghana. [16 marks]

Answer one question only from this section.

3. (a) State four characteristics of a good law. [8 marks]

(b) Explain four benefits derived from law and order in a country. [12 marks]

4. (a) Describe the structure of government at the district level in Ghana. [4 marks]

(b) Identify four problems facing District Assemblies in Ghana [8 marks]

(c) Suggest four ways by which the problems identified in (b) can be solved [8 marks]

Answer one question only from this section.

5. (a) State four advantages of saving money with the bank [8 marks]

(b) Highlight four effects of poor handling of currency. [12 marks]

6. (a) (i) What is a State Enterprise? [2 marks] (ii) What is a Private Enterprise? [2 marks]

(b) Suggest four ways by which the state can promote private enterprises. [16 marks] CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO PART 2


1. (a) (i) Describe the Solar System [4 marks] The system of bodies comprising of the sun, the 8 planets and their satellites (moons), comets, asteroids, meteoroids, and other inter-planetary materials.

(ii) Name four planets in the Solar System [4 marks] Mercury, Venus Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune

(b) Outline two effects of the rotation of the earth. [6 marks] [Using complete / meaningful sentences, state and briefly explain any two of the points]

(i) Day and night
(ii) Differences in time (time zones) on the earth
(iii) Deflection of winds and ocean currents
(iv) Rising and falling of sea levels (high and low tides)
(v) Twilight and dawn
(vi) Changes in the earth’s magnetic fields

(c) Highlight two effects of the revolution of the earth. [6 marks] [Using complete / meaningful sentences, state and briefly explain any two of the points]

(i) The four seasons (Summer, autumn, winter and spring)
(ii) Varying lengths of day and night at different times of the year
(iii) Determines leap year (i.e, whether a year has 365 or 366 days)
(iv) Changes in seasonal temperature
(v) The solar eclipse (ie, eclipse of the sun)
(vi) Equinoxes (the two days of the year when there are equal days and nights)
(vii) Changes in altitudes of the midday sun at different times of the year.

2. (a) State four negative effects of rapid population growth on the development
of Ghana [4 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points .

(i) High dependency ratio
(ii) Inadequate medical care
(iii) Migration
(iv) Pressure on natural resources / high cost of land
(v) Reduction in capital formation
(vi) Environmental degradation
(vii) Increase in social vices
(viii) Over crowding / congestion
(ix) Pressure on social amenities
(x) Lower standard of living / low per-capita income
(xi) High cost of living
(xii) Environmental pollution
(xiii) High rate of unemployment
(xiv) Poverty
(xv) Increase in crime rate
(xvi) Slums
(xvii) High government expenditure
(xviii) Social unrest

(b) Highlight any four ways by which rapid population growth can be reduced
in Ghana. [16 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples).
[NB: The marks allotted should guide you on how detailed your answers should be] NOTE: Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a different paragraph

(i) Encouraging relatively late marriages
(ii) Family planning
(iii) Legislation on (making laws to control) early marriage
(iv) Education on adequate spacing of children
(v) Checking the inflow of immigrants – nationals from other countries
(vi) Tax relief for small households
(vii) Discouraging polygamy
(viii) Promoting girl-child education
(ix) Increasing gender equality
(x) Economic empowerment of women
(xi) Government policies
(xii) Intensifying education on adolescent reproductive health.

Answer one question only from this section.

3. (a) State four characteristics of a good law. [8 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each

A good law must (be)
(i) in the interest of the people (people centred)
(ii) well publicized
(iii) unambiguous (clear and specific, not vague)
(iv) reasonable
(v) enforceable
(vi) understandable
(vii) fair to all / equality
(viii) acceptable
(ix) meet moral values of the people
(x) backed by authority
(xi) written down
(xii) created and maintained by the state
(xiii) relate to the sovereignty of the people
(xiv) not be retrospective
(xv) able to stand the test of time
(xvi) flexible
(xvii) must have ‘human face’
(xviii) in accordance with the constitution
(xix) protect the fundamental human rights of the people

(b) Explain four benefits derived from law and order in a country. [12 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph

(i) reduces crime
(ii) promotes peace and stability
(iii) protects life and property
(iv) protects human rights
(v) promotes social order / conformity
(vi) encourages social progress
(vii) promotes economic progess
(viii) promotes discipline
(ix) Encourages moral uprightness
(x) Promotes good governance
(xi) Attracts foreign investment
(xii) Promotes unity

4. (a) Describe the structure of government at the district level in Ghana. [4 marks] (i) District chief executive
(ii) District assembly
(iii) Area committee
(iv) Unit committee

(b) Identify four problems facing District Assemblies in Ghana [8 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph

(i) Poor infrastructural facilities
(ii) Government interference
(iii) Inability to attract investors
(iv) Lack of co-operation from local people
(v) Politicisation of the District Assembly
(vi) Sanitation
(vii) Inadequate funding
(viii) Inability to use fund judiciously (mismanagement of funds)
(ix) Problems of reliable sources of revenue
(x) Community conflicts
(xi) Problems of logistics
(xii) Revenue mobilization
(xiii) Over reliance on the District Assembly Common Fund
(xiv) Inefficient project monitoring
(xv) Low capacity of both staff and members
(xvi) Irregularities in contract awarding system
(xvii) Inefficient education on policies and concept of District Assemblies

(c) Suggest four ways by which the problems identified in (b) can be solved [8 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph
[Note: Your suggested solutions must address the problems you identified in (b) above]

(i) Administrative commitment
(ii) Judicious use of fund
(iii) Provision of handy information by Assembly members
(iv) Accessibility of information
(v) Information that is user friendly
(vi) Explore other avenues of revenue mobilization
(vii) Education
(viii) Reduced government interference
(ix) Peace and order in communities
(x) Improved infrastructural facilities
(xi) Provision of necessary logistics
(xii) Development plan drawn to contain clear and achievable targets
(xiii) Increase people’s participation
(xiv) Regular capacity building of staff and members
(xv) Understanding roles of functionaries

Answer one question only from this section.

5. (a) State four advantages of saving money with the bank [8 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph

(i) Easy access to loans
(ii) Convenient money transfer between different accounts
(iii) Available for future use
(iv) Available for unforeseen circumstances
(v) Security and safety of money
(vi) Interest on saving
(vii) Easy to track transaction / account history
(viii) Easy access to other bank services
(ix) Reduces careless spending habits
(x) Investment starting point
(xi) Easy to withdraw

(b) Highlight four effects of poor handling of currency. [12 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph

(i) Destruction of beauty of money
(ii) Contamination with pathogenic bacteria
(iii) Source of transmission of diseases
(iv) Rejection
(v) Replacement at high cost to government
(vi) Capable of causing skin diseases contamination
(vii) Platform for growth of bacteria
(viii) Causes of food poisoning
(ix) Causes of food borne diseases

6. (a) (i) What is a State Enterprise? [2 marks] State owned enterprises are business entities established by the state / government to provide certain essential public services at affordable / low cost

(ii) What is a Private Enterprise? [2 marks]

These are businesses owned and managed by individuals with the aim of making profit

(b) Suggest four ways by which the state can promote private enterprises. [16 marks]

Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph

(i) Suitable economic environment for business
(ii) Suitable political environment for business
(iii) Ensuring production of quality goods and services
(iv) Control / check on importation of goods and services
(v) Financial support guarantees / credit guarantees
(vi) Trade mission sponsorship
(vii) Tax deferrals
(viii) Granting tax rebates
(ix) Advertising products
(x) Government directly holding equities in private enterprises
(xi) Facilitation of access to market
(xii) Facilitation of access to information.
(xiii) Facilitation of access to business networks
(xiv) Legal and regulatory support
(xv) Patronizing made-in-Ghana goods and services
(xvi) Provision of basic infrastructure
(xvii) Organization of training courses / establishing entrepreneurial institutions
(xviii) Trade fair supports
(xix) Grants and cash advances

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