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BECE Past Questions & Answers – 2006 (English)


31. Baby Tee has been missing ………….Saturday.
A. since B. from C. until D. for

32. Akua could you ………… your English book?
A. lend
B. borrow C. afford D. buy

33. Kofi insisted ……………..painting the house for us.
A. in B. at C. on
D. with

34. This book is mine and that is ………….
A. your B. yours‟ C. your‟s D. yours

35. If Asi had gone to Beseasi, she …………her mother.
A. would meet
B. would have met
C. will meet
D. had met

36. You had too much to eat, ……………
A. didn‟t you? B. don‟t you?
C. haven‟t you?
D. isn‟t it?

37. He came in while I …………….my dinner.
A. am having
B. had

C. have
D. was having

38. The prisoner would neither talk …………….eat.
A. yet B. but C. or D. nor

39. Afote gave his friend …………………… of his bread.
A. little B. few C. some D. any

40. John and Anita have always loved …………..
A. each other B. one another C. themselves D. each one CLICK TO VIEW ANSWERS TO OBJECTIVES

April 2006




1. C. she wanted to take Amma to the hospital

2. D. unintelligent

3. D. was really not ill

4. B. caring

5. D. was afraid of the injection

6. C. an old

7. B. admire

8. D. without

9. A. reproduces

10. D. not to lie

11. C. expert

12. D. unknown

13. C. liked

14. A. delayed

15. B. proud

16. B. cheap

17. B. could not keep secrets

18. C. disgrace

19. C. gave me a place to sleep

20. B. is given the largest amount of the money

21. B. useless

22. D. easy

23. C. exit

24. A. ignorant

25. A. guest

26. A. both

27. D. to

28. B. that

29. D. too slow

30. B. much

31. A. since

32. A. lend

33. C. on

34. D. yours

35. B. would have met

36. A. didn‟t you?

37. D. was having

38. D. nor

39. C. some

40. A. each other

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